Page 45 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 45
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
MEHDIPANAH R., MANZANO A., BORRELL C., MALMUSI D., RODRíGUEZ-SANZ M., GREENHALGH J. ET AL. Exploring com- plex causal pathways between urban renewal, health and health inequality using a theory-driven realist approach. Social Science and Medicine. 2015;124:266-274.
MARí-DELL’OLMO M, GOTSENS M, PALèNCIA L, BURSTRöM B, CORMAN D, COSTA G ET AL. Socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific mortality in 15 European cities.Journal of epidemiology and community health. 2015.
áLVAREZ-DARDET C., MORGAN A., CANTERO M.T.R., HERNAN M.. Improving the evidence base on public health as-
During 2015 the group closed the SOPHIE European project, having currently 53 scientific publications resulting from the project and about 30 more in de- velopment. During 2015 various dissemination ac- tions such as a seminar in Barcelona or a meeting in Brussels with the participation of members of civil society and European parliamentaries were made. We have also continued to promote the tweets, the web, press releases and interviews with the press or other media, the slide share, info graphics and videos (there are 4 videos showing results of the project).
sets-the way ahead: A proposed research agenda. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2015;69(8):721- 723.
MARI-DELL’OLMO M., MARTíNEZ-BENEITO M.A.. A multilev- el regression model for geographical studies in sets of non-adjacent cities. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(8).
IKRAM U.Z., MALMUSI D., JUEL K., REY G., KUNST A.E.. Asso- ciation between integration policies and immigrants’ mor- tality: An explorative study across three european coun- tries. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(6).
On the other hand there has been progress in the 2 projects funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III on the impact of the crisis on mortality and repro- ductive health, with several manuscripts in prepa- ration. The project financed by RecerCaixa (Treball als barris) follows with data collection. In 2015, the European Eurohealthy project has begun, led by the University of Coimbra and having a work package led by Carme Borrell.
Institution: Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona
Contact: Pl. Lesseps 1. 28023 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 202 77 71
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 45