Page 115 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
FONSECA-NUNES A., AGUDO A., ARANDA N., ARIJA V., CROSS A.J., MOLINA E. ET AL. Body iron status and gastric cancer risk in the EURGAST study. International Journal of Can- cer. 2015.
GATTA G., BOTTA L., SáNCHEZ M.J., ANDERSON L.A., PIERAN- NUNZIO D., LICITRA L.. Prognoses and improvement for head and neck cancers diagnosed in Europe in early 2000s: The EUROCARE-5 population-based study. Euro- pean Journal of Cancer. 2015;51(15):2130-2143.
in Europe 1999-2007: Results of the EUROCARE-5 study. European Journal of Cancer. 2015;51(15):2191-2205.
CIRERA L, HUERTA JM, CHIRLAQUE MD, MOLINA-MONTES E, ALTZIBAR JM, ARDANAZ E ET AL. Life-course social position, obesity and diabetes risk in the EPIC-Spain Cohort.Euro- pean journal of public health. 2015.
CELORRIO D, MUñOZ X, AMIANO P, DORRONSORO M, BUJAN- DA L, SáNCHEZ MJ ET AL. Influence of Dopaminergic Sys- tem Genetic Variation and Lifestyle Factors on Excessive
SANT M., CHIRLAQUE LóPEZ M.D., AGRESTI R., SáNCHEZ PéREZ M.J., HOLLECZEK B., BIELSKA-LASOTA M. ET AL. Sur- vival of women with cancers of breast and genital organs
• Participation in the integrated excellence Project INTERCIBER Identification of novel modulators of inflammation in prevalent chronic diseases: unveil- ing divergent Mechanisms of disease.
• Coordination of the project financed by ISCIII through the ERA-NET call on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN): High Resolution Projects on Prognosis and care of cancer patients.
• Coordination of multicentric project: Effect of the exposure to Bispheol-A on health (cancer and is- chemic heart disease) within EPIC-Spain, financed by the FIS.
• IP of the Multicenter Project: Cronodiet, genes polymorphisms that regulate the circadian clock, weight change and obesity in EPIC Spain, funded by the FIS.
• Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality Nomination of CIBERESP group 34 to participate in the Joint Action on Rare Cancers, funded by the EU.
• Coordination of WP5 Cancer “Mapping Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases Research Activities and their Impact (MAPPING_NCD)” funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme.
Alcohol Consumption.Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). 2015.
• Coordination WP 6 “Strengthening and Imple- menting HTA in Emerging Settings” in the project Rethinking the future of Heath Tecnology Assess- ment (ADVANCE-HTA), funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme.
• Integration of a consolidated research group to the Institute for Bio-Health Research of Granada (ibs. Granada), to coordinate the cancer scientific area.
• Autorship of CIBERESP Group 34 in the “Estimates of cancer incident and survival in Spain and situ- ation in Europe” report, within the framework of the Spanish Network for Cancer Registries (RE- DECAN), for the National Cancer Strategy and the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equiality.
• Participation as external expert of the European project CANCON (Joint Action for cancer control)
• Participation in diagnosis and needs advice on Health Technology Assessment in El Salvador.
• Participation in ACCISS Study on Global Access to Insulin project.
• Participation as WHO invited expert for Baltic Poli- cy Dialogue on drug policy.
Institution: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública · Contact: Cuesta del Obsevatorio, 4. 18080 Granada
Tel.: 670 946 679 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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