Page 117 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 117
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
ALEMANY L., SAUNIER M., ALVARADO-CABRERO I., QUIROS B., SALMERON J., SHIN H.-R. ET AL. Human papillomavirus DNA prevalence and type distribution in anal carcinomas world- wide. International Journal of Cancer. 2015;136(1):98-107.
CASABONNE D., BENAVENTE Y., ROBLES C., COSTAS L., ALON- SO E., GONZáLEZ-BARCA E. ET AL. Aberrant Epstein-Barr vi- rus antibody patterns and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a Spanish multicentric case-control study. Infectious Agents and Cancer. 2015.
SERRANO B., DE SANJOSE S., TOUS S., QUIROS B., MUNOZ N., BOSCH X. ET AL. Human papillomavirus genotype at- tribution for HPVs 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 in female anogenital lesions. European Journal of Cancer. 2015;51(13):1732-1741.
GEORGALIS L., DE SANJOSE S., ESNAOLA M., BOSCH F.X., DIAZ M.. Present and future of cervical cancer prevention in Spain: a cost-effectiveness analysis. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2015.
COSTAS L., INFANTE-RIVARD C., ZOCK J.-P., VAN TONGER- EN M., BOFFETTA P., CUSSON A. ET AL. Occupational ex- posure to endocrine disruptors and lymphoma risk in a multi-centric European study. British Journal of Cancer. 2015;112(7):1251-1256.
The group has completed the main analysis on the genotyping of HPV in uterine, vulva, penis, vagina, anus, oral cavity, oropharynx and larynx cancers (HPVVAPO Studio).
The group has completed the review of preventive activities of cervical cancer in Catalonia, and has prepared a new protocol and published the popu- lation impact models based on cost-effectiveness. The new protocol has been reviewed and approved by the relevant scientific societies.
The group continues with a relevant activity in Phase III-IV of new generation vaccines and therapeutic vaccines against HPV infection and cervical cancer.
In the activities that relate to the MCC-CLL Spain and ICGC CLL projects, the group has carried out various analyzes to evaluate the immune response of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and
common viral infections. We have also assess hor- monal factors that could explain the differences in incidence of lymphomas associated with sex. Un- der the InterLymph consortium we have published a monograph on the epidemiologic study of 11 types of lymphoma. The group has had a lead in the chap- ters on chronic lymphocytic leukemia; marginal lym- phoma, follicular lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma. The group continues its relationship with the con- sortium to evaluate the relationship between vari- ations in the HLA region and marginal lymphomas and diffuse large cell. Now we are leading the study of inversions and variation in gene copy number and their role in the development of lymphoma.
With the lymphomas EPIC consortium we have eval- uated plasma levels of CD23 and its role in the risk of developing chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Institution: Institut Català d’Oncologia · Contact: Av. Gran Vía, 199. 08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat Tel.: 93 260 78 12 · E.mail: [email protected]
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