Page 29 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 29
Health Inequalities (ODS)
Over 2015 we went on with the work of managing, disseminating and disclosing contents of the web portal for the Health Inequalities Observatory (ODS in Spanish) from the observatory itself, through social networks and by attending conferences and events.
In December 2014 the assessment of the ODS was completed, with the aim of valuing certain aspects such as the use, scope and quality of its web site, users’ satisfaction and the type and conduct of the latter on the social networks. In the first quarter of 2015 the analysis of the data was carried out and in the second quarter the report with results of the assessment was written. In 2016 the drafting of the manuscript to be sent to an international journal is planned.
In the third quarter of 2015 the web platform migrat- ed to a higher version of its contents manager, in or- der to improve its handling, update components and prevent I.T. attacks.
The ODS has 3130 scientific resources on inequal- ities in health available (reports, articles, statistics, manuals, programs, web pages, etc.). In 2015 130 new resources were published, with a monthly aver- age of 18 resources per month.
In 2015 26 new subscribers were registered, now reaching 301 subscribers, including scientific-aca- demic personnel, students and diverse institutions.
19,212 visits were recorded, with an average of 1636 visits a month, and 34,641 pages were viewed, ac- cording to the data from Google Analytics. Almost 65% of the visits took place through search engines such as Google (organic traffic), 13% writing in the full domain (direct traffic) and around 5% of the vis- its came from social networks.
By geographical origin, the ODS continues to receive visits, first of all from Spain (25.03%), with Barcelo- na, Madrid and Seville among the most active cities. The other visits were spread among several Latin American countries such as: Mexico (12.75%), Co- lombia (5.55%), Peru (5.13%), Argentina (3.61%) or Chile (3.19%). In 2015 the visits from EUA increased by 9 points, representing 11.49% of the total visits. As regards the most visited sections of the ODS we should stress the section of Inequalities (general) (30%) and the sections on inequality of Spatial Area (19%), Gender (16%), Social class (15%) and Immi- gration (8.6%).
The ODS continues to be highly active on the social networks. On Twitter it has 720 followers, meaning an increase of 67 persons as compared with 2014. On Facebook, the increase in the number of fans of the ODS page was more marked, going from 467 fans in 2014 to 747 in 2015.
In 2015 the ODS presented papers at the following events:
• February 2015: Presentation at the assessment of the Health Inequalities Observatory in the framework of the “Viernes Lesseps” sessions of the Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB).
• September 2015: Presentation of the State of the ODS for the CIBERESP Scientific Symposium, in the framework of the XXXIII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE).
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