Page 28 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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BiblioPRO should stress the following achieve- ments in 2015:
USERS: 2897 new users were registered, with an av- erage of 3500 visits a month.
SUBLICENSES: 520 applications for sublicenses were received, 70% requested by academics (stu- dents and universities), 23% by public administra- tions and 7% by private companies.
NEW INSTRUMENTS: 495 new PROs were added from the 2011-2012 review and around a further 180 instruments on mental health from the system- atic 2008-2010 review, meaning that the web now has information on 1354 instruments.
NEW CONTENTS: The web links to original articles and adaptations into Spanish have been included and corrected in the technical datasheets for around 500 instruments.
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 2013-2014 in which 2418 titles, 1515 abstracts and 911 full articles were re- viewed.
2ND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM: (19th February 2015), accredited by the CCFCPS with 0.6 credits. With guest lectures by international experts such as professor Paul Kind from the University of Leeds, expert in PRO copyright Carolyn Anfray from Mapi Group and Patricia Riera, president of CEDRO. The Scientific Committee selected 51 papers for differ- ent formats: standard poster (20), projected poster (8) and oral communication in parallel sessions (23). There were 152 persons attending (plus a further 150 persons via streaming) from the research world (47%); clinical practice (24%); 17% from healthcare administration and 11% from pharmaceutical com- panies or CROs. Representatives of patients’ associ- ations were present. It had the institutional support of IMIM and CIBERESP, and the patronage of Pfizer, MSD, CHIESI, Novartis and RecerCaixa.
RESEARCH: Coordination of the “Coordinated study on the new version of the EuroQol (EQ-5D) for its use in Spain” (ISCIIIPI12/00772FEDER).
TRAINING: New edition of the blended course (De- cember 2014-2015) on “Development and Use of EM- PRO: a tool for the standardised assessment of PRO” measures, accredited by the CCFCPS (12. credits, 75h). The teaching staff was made up of research- ers from the scientific committee of BiblioPRO. 20 researchers from different countries took part.
• GONçALVES BRADLEY DC, GIBBONS C, RICCI-CA- BELLO I, BOBROVITZ NJH, GIBBONS EJ, KOTZEVA A, ALONSO J, FITZPATRICK R, BOWER P, VAN DER WEES PJ, RAJMIL L, ROBERTS NW, TAYLOR RS, GREENHALGH J, PORTER I, VALDERAS JM. Rou- tine provision of information on patient-reported outcome measures to healthcare providers and patients in clinical practice (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015.
• PARDO Y, CASTELLVí P, FERRER M, GARIN O, ALON- SO J, COMITé CIENTíFICO BIBLIOPRO. Nuevos in- strumentos en español de resultados percibidos por los pacientes: revisión sistemática Biblio- PRO 2011-2012. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública, XXXIII Reunión Científica de la SEE, XVI Congresos SESPAS, X Congreso APE. 2-4 septiembre de 2015, Santiago de Compostela. Gac Sanit 2015; 29 Supl: 393. (C. ORAL).
• ZAROR C, PARDO Y, MARTíNEZ-ZAPATA MJ, ESPI- NOZA G, MUñOZ-MILLáN P, FERRER M. Quality As- sessment of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaires in Children and Adolescent. 23rd Cochrane Colloquium, 3-7October 2015. Vienna, Austria. Book of Abstracts Cochrane Colloquium 2015; pp: 205. (PÓSTER).
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