Page 41 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
BILAL U., FERNáNDEZ E., BELTRAN P., NAVAS-ACIEN A., BO- LUMAR F., FRANCO M.. Validation of a method for recon- structing historical rates of smoking prevalence. Ameri- can Journal of Epidemiology. 2014;179(1):15-19.
URQUIA M.L., GLAZIER R.H., GAGNON A.J., MORTENSEN L.H., NYBO ANDERSEN A.-M., JANEVIC T. ET AL. Disparities in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia among immigrant wom- en giving birth in six industrialised countries. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2014;121(12):1492-1500.
GARCíA-ARENZANA N., NAVARRETE-MUNOZ E.M., LOPE V., MOREO P., VIDAL C., Laso-Pablos S. et al. Calorie in- take, olive oil consumption and mammographic density among Spanish women. International Journal of Cancer. 2014;134(8):1916-1925.
LLOP S., MURCIA M., AGUINAGALDE X., VIOQUE J., REBAGLIA- TO M., CASES A. ET AL. Exposure to mercury among Span- ish preschool children: Trend from birth to age four. Envi- ronmental Research. 2014;132:83-92.
RODRíGUEZ-BARRANCO M., LACASANA M., GIL F., LORCA A., ALGUACIL J., ROHLMAN D.S. ET AL. Cadmium exposure and neuropsychological development in school chil- dren in southwestern Spain. Environmental Research. 2014;134:66-73.
Institution: Universidad de Alcalá · Contact: Facultad de Medicina. Campus Universitario
Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, km. 33,600. 28871 Alcalá de Henares · E.mail: [email protected] Web: ; ;
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