Page 39 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
BAQUERO F., LANZA V.F., CANTON R., COQUE T.M.. Public health evolutionary biology of antimicrobial resistance: Priorities for intervention. Evolutionary Applications. 2015.
BAEZ J., HERNáNDEZ-GARCíA M., GUAMPARITO C., DIAZ S., OLAVE A., GUERRERO K. ET AL. Molecular characterization and genetic diversity of ESBL-producing escherichia coli colonizing the migratory Franklin’s Gulls (Leucophaeus pipixcan) in Antofagasta, North of Chile. Microbial Drug Resistance. 2015;21(1):111-116.
RODRíGUEZ-DOMINGUEZ M., GONZáLEZ-ALBA J.M., PUERTA T., MENENDEZ B., SáNCHEZ-DIAZ A.M., CANTON R. ET AL. High prevalence of co-infections by invasive and non-in- vasive Chlamydia trachomatis genotypes during the lym-
The Group CIBERESP G-33 was founded in 2015 by a Project of the EU Commission (EVOTAR-282004), and it is integrated as an academic group in the 8th Call Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) - Pro- gramme ENABLE participating in the sub-projects MEDINA and TRN for the research on new antimi- crobial agents targeting the antibiotic resistance problem in pathogens that play a key role in Public Health. Regarding Spanish funding this group has active four projects within the programme “Investi- gación en Salud” from ISCIII and one supported by the “Comunidad de Madrid” (PROMPT). The Group has taken part of the Scientific Advisory Board Joint Programming Initiative on Antibiotic Resistance of the EU Commision (Dr. Baquero and Dra. Coque), Eu- ropean Food Safety Agency (EFSA) Scientific (Dra. Coque). Dr. Baquero has been awarded the prestig- ious price for excellence “André Lwoff Award” from the Federation of European Microbiological Socie-
phogranuloma venereum outbreak in Spain. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5).
TEDIM AP, RUIZ-GARBAJOSA P, CORANDER J, RODRíGUEZ CM, CANTóN R, WILLEMS RJ ET AL. Population biology of intesti- nal enterococcus isolates from hospitalized and nonhos- pitalized individuals in different age groups. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2015;81(5):1820-31.
FERNáNDEZ MCPHEE C., áLVAREZ P., PRIETO L., OBIANG J., AVEDILLO P., VARGAS A. ET AL. HIV-1 infection using dried blood spots can be confirmed by Bio-Rad GeeniusTM HIV 1/2 confirmatory assay. Journal of Clinical Virology. 2015;63:66-69.
ties (FEMS) in Maastricht. The group published 26 articles in peer reviewed journals and generated 36 communications and several invited lectures, high- lighting the Key-Plenary Lecture (Dr. Baquero) titled “Transmission: a basic process” during the FEMS European Congress of obvious importance in Public Health. Furthermore, Dr. Baquero directed a Ramón Areces International Symposium with the same topic “Transmission” in Madrid. He is also co-direc- tor and speaker of the International Conference on the Evolution and Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance. The group’s scientific activity is centred on tearing apart barriers finding new proposals for the struggle against antibiotic resistance, molecular epidemiolo- gy of respiratory, HIV and other sexual transmitted infections, especially in developing countries.
Institution: Servicio Madrileño de Salud · Contact: Hospital Ramón y Cajal · Ctra. de Colmenar, km 9.1 28034 Madrid · Tel.: 91 336 88 32 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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