Page 68 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 68
Research groups
Group 22
Programme: Epidemiology and Environmental and Occupational Risk Prevention
Lead Researcher: Estivill Palleja, Xavier
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Escaramís Babiano, Geòrgia.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Báñez Coronel, Mónica | Docampo Martínez, Elisa | Doménech, Laura | Kagerbauer, Birgit | Martí Puig, Eulalia | Montfort Roca, Magda | Morell Oriol, Marta | Prasad, Aparma | Puig Sola, Anna | Rabionet Janssen, Raquel | Sarriá Trujillo, Yaris.
COLLABORATORS: Carbonell García, Rut | Ponisch, Stefan. Main lines of research
• Genetic variants and liability to common traits and complex disease.
• Longitudinal and comprehensive analysis of mental diseases.
• Profiles of non-coding RNAs in neurodegenera- tive disorders.
• Environmental modulators of genetic factors in human disease.
68 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP