Page 67 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
SCHMIDT S., FRANCES A., LORENTE GARIN J.A., JUANPERE N., LLORETA TRULL J., BONFILL X. ET AL. Quality of life in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: One- year results of a multicentre prospective cohort study. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations. 2015;33(1):19.e7-19.e15.
BONFILL X., MARTíNEZ-ZAPATA M.J., VERNOOIJ R.W., SáNCHEZ M.J., SUAREZ-VARELA M.M., DE LA CRUZ J. ET AL. Clinical intervals and diagnostic characteristics in a co-
BURGOS J., IGLESIAS M., PIJOAN J.I., RODRíGUEZ L., FERNáN- DEZ-LLEBREZ L., MARTíNEZ-ASTORQUIZA T.. Probability of cesarean delivery after successful external cephalic ver- sion. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2015;131(2):192-195.
CASTIELLA A., MUGICA F., ZAPATA E., ZUBIAURRE L., IRIBAR- REN A., DE JUAN M.D. ET AL. Gender and plasma iron bi- omarkers, but not HFE gene mutations, increase the risk of colorectal cancer and polyps. Tumor Biology.
hort of prostate cancer patients in Spain: A multicentre observational study. BMC Urology. 2015;15(1).
Within the MAPAC strategy, I must emphasize the development and implementation of the recom- mendation “Do not perform anesthesia consultation prior to colonoscopy” in individuals with a positive CRC screening result. The assessment of its impact during the first 3 months of implementation shows that the pre-anesthetic consultation has been un- necessary in 80% of the cases. This means that we have avoided 1600 unnecessary examinations (80% of 2000 annual colonoscopies for this reason).
We have also developed a project to standardize the procedure for preparing and reporting MAPAC rec- ommendations so that they can be included directly in the DianaSalud portal. We will work with two other groups of program 7 during 2016.
We validated the clinical prediction rule HOMR (mor- tality during the first year after admission) in a ran- dom sample of 1600 patients discharged from our hospital during 2014. The Admission Service has begun to apply this RPC to all admitted patients. We offer, to those identified as high risk patients, a range of activities across the entire spectrum of social and health care areas (in collaboration with municipal and provincial services) to adequate the use of the most appropriate resources for these patients.
We have incorporated a statistician to our team (to be included administratively in our group) with spe- cific training in big-data, and developed a project to use clinical databases that are routinely collected to assess outcomes of interest for patients .
In teaching, we continue the teaching programme on critical appraisal (Red CASPe) and Evidence-based Medicine in our hospital. Outside the hospital, we collaborate with the College of Physicians with a similar teaching proposal.
Internationally we are working with City University, London, and the company ConsultGen to create an app to support medical decision making under un- certainty.
Institution: Asociación Instituto Biodonostia · Contact: Hospital Donostia. Paseo Dr. Beguiristain, s/n 20014 San Sebastián · Tel.: 943 007 147 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 67