Page 73 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
REGIDOR E., VALLEJO F., GIRALDEZ-GARCíA C., ORTEGA P., SANTOS J.M., ASTASIO P. ET AL. Low mortality in the poor- est areas of Spain: adults residing in provinces with lower per capita income have the lowest mortality. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2015;30(8):637-648.
ROSALES-STATKUS M.E., DE LA FUENTE L., FERNáNDEZ-BAL- BUENA S., FIGUEROA C., FERNáNDEZ-LóPEZ L., HOYOS J. ET AL. Approval and Potential Use of Over-the-Counter HIV Self-Tests: The Opinion of Participants in a Street Based HIV Rapid Testing Program in Spain. AIDS and Behavior. 2015;19(3):472-484.
SORDO L., BRAVO M.J., BARRIO G., INDAVE B.I., DEGENHARDT L., PASTOR-BARRIUSO R.. Potential bias due to outcome-re- lated loss to follow-up in cohort studies on incidence of
In the international context, our group has been par- ticipating in projects integrated in the Seventh EU Framework Programme for Research and Innova- tion, a Joint Action and an Action Cost as well as projects of the Consumers, Health and Food execu- tive Agency and national Institutes of Health (USA). We have been hired by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the European Centre for Disease Control and Pre- vention (ECDC) for the assessment and analysis of their epidemiological information.
In Spain, we have led several research projects of the Health Strategic Action, of the State Research, development and innovation Programme oriented to Society Challenges (2013-2016) and its previous versions, research projects-contracts of national public organisms (The Drug National Plan, The Min- istry of health, The woman institute, General Traffic Directorate, etc.), public-private (Spanish Founda- tion for the Research on HIV(FIPSE)) and exclusively private (Mutua Madrileña, Spanish Association for the Fight against Cancer, Health Sciences Founda- tion etc.), among which the projects related to the Itinere cohort should be highlighted.
drug injection: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Ad- diction. 2015;110(8):1247-1257.
SANZ-BARBERO B, PRIETO ME, CAMBAS N. Factors associat- ed with a positive attitude towards receiving cancer infor- mation: a population-based study in Spain.Health expec- tations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy. 2015;.
SARASA-RENEDO A., SORDO L., PULIDO J., GUITART A., GONZáLEZ-GONZáLEZ R., HOYOS J. ET AL. Effect of immigra- tion background and country-of-origin contextual factors on adolescent substance use in Spain. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2015;153:124-134.
We contribute to the training of new researchers by receiving resident physicians, pre and post doc con- tracts etc.
We have been applying our experience and the find- ings of our epidemiology and public health research participating as experts in both international (EM- CDDA) and national organisms (DGT, national and regional HIV and drug plans), for the development of methodological tools for data collection and for the training of professionals in this field. We have trans- lated our experience, training and research results to the design of epidemiological data collection systems both national and regional (National health survey, The Spanish House-based survey on alcohol and drugs, State based survey on drug use in sec- ondary education, Evolution of the health indicators in Spain, etc) as well as the national and regional prevention and assistential plans and guides.
Institution: Instituto de Salud Carlos III · Contact: Centro Nacional de Epidemiología Campus Chamartín · C/ Sinesio Delgado, 6 -pabellón 12. 28029 Madrid · Tel.: 91 822 26 23
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