Page 75 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
COLELL E., SáNCHEZ-NIUBO A., DELCLOS G.L., BENAVIDES F.G., DOMINGO-SALVANY A.. Economic crisis and changes in drug use in the Spanish economically active population. Addiction. 2015;110(7):1129-1137.
BENAVIDES F.G., DURAN X., GIMENO D., VANROELEN C., MARTíNEZ J.M.. Labour market trajectories and early re- tirement due to permanent disability: A study based on 14 972 new cases in Spain. European Journal of Public Health. 2015;25(4):673-677.
BERNAL D., CAMPOS-SERNA J., TOBIAS A., VARGAS-PRADA S., BENAVIDES F.G., SERRA C.. Work-related psychosocial risk factors and musculoskeletal disorders in hospital nurses and nursing aides: A systematic review and me- ta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2015;52(2):635-648.
CASAS M., CORDIER S., MARTíNEZ D., BARROS H., BONDE J.P., BURDORF A. ET AL. Maternal occupation during pregnancy, birth weight, and length of gestation: Combined analysis
RONDA E., BRIONES-VOZMEDIANO E., GALON T., GARCíA A.M., BENAVIDES F.G., AGUDELO-SUAREZ A.A.. A qualitative explo- ration of the impact of the economic recession in Spain on working, living and health conditions: Reflections based on immigrant workers’ experiences. Health Expectations. 2015.
In this year, researchers from CiSAL-UPF (group 47) have leaded related projects with the Continuous Working Life Sample Cohort (funded by the IS Car- los III), the Occupational Pathology Unit (funded by the Parc Salut Mar), E-capacit8 (funded by Health Programme of the European Union), Work-related Traffic Occupational Injury (funded by the DGT), and Work, Immigration and Health in a cohort of immi- gration population in Spain (funded by IS Carlos III). Furthermore, CiSAL-UPF has been recognized, for third time, by AGAUR-Catalunya for the period 2015- 2017.
of 13 European birth cohorts. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2015;41(4):384-396.
Among other results, researchers from CiSAL-UPF have published 26 scientific papers and one PhD Thesis and 2 Master Thesis were defended, togeth- er with 14 scientific communications in national and international meetings. Furthermore, research- ers from CiSAL-UPF have organized, together with researchers from the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), the II Encontro Ibero-americano sobre Inqueritos de Condiçoes de Trabalho e Saúde in Belo Horizonte (9-10th July), publishing a report by the Instituto Na- cional de Salud from Perú. Otherwise, it is noted the publication by Eurofound of a summary of 1st Cen- tral America Working Conditions Survey.
Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra · Contact: Dr. Aiguader, 88 1a planta. 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 93 318 08 76 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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