Page 82 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 82
Research groups
Group 38
Programme: Epidemiology and Control of Chronic Diseases Lead Researcher: Kogevinas, Emmanouil
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Arjona Camí, Lourdes | Gracia Lavedan, Esther.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Bosch de Basea, Magda | Cardis Mersch, Elisabeth | Carrasco Turigas, Gloria | Carretero García, Gemma | Casas Sanahuja, María Isabel | Castaño Vinyals, Gemma | Cirach Pradas, Marta
| Cole-Hunter, Thomas Anthony | Dadvand, Payam | Donaire González, David | Eastman, Chelsea | Esnaola Acebes, Mikel | Espinosa Morano, Ana | Figuerola Alquezar, Jordi | Font Ribera, Laia | González Ruiz, Juan Ramón | Grellier, James | Kubesch, Janet Nadine | Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark | Ocallaghan Gordo, Cristina | Papantoniou, Kyriaki | Pedersen, Marie | Rojas Rueda, David | Schembari, Ana | Triguero Mas, Margarita | Van Gent, Diana | Vila Rodríguez, Francisco Javier | Villanueva Belmonte, Cristina | Zock, Jan Paul.
COLLABORATORS: Ferrer de Molina, Ma del Mar. Main lines of research
The main research of the group is focused in envi- ronmental, occupational and genetic factors relat- ed to cancer, respiratory disease and child health. Among the main exposures, the group is focused on radiations (smartphones, UV, ionizing), water pollut- ants (disinfection by-products in drinking water and swimming pools), air pollution, transport and green spaces in urban areas, hormonal disruption, life style (diet, passive smoking), as well as occupation- al studies in cleaning workers and shift-work and circadian cycle disruption. In the last years we have
applied new technologies to assess the exposure (e.g. Smartphones), extensively used new biomed- ical technologies (Exposome, biomarkers, genom- ics, epigenetics, metabolomics) and implemented complex statistics and bioinformatics methods. The group has an important international reputation and devotes considerable efforts in education, dis- semination and knowledge transfer. Research of the group is funded by grants from FIS, FP7 (EU), and Horizon2020.
82 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP