Page 81 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
LUMBRERAS B., DAVO-BLANES M.C., VIVES-CASES C., BOSCH F. Public health competencies and contents in pharmacy degree programs in Spanish universities. Gaceta Sanitar- ia. 2015;29(1):44-50.
RAJMIL L., ARTAZCOZ L., GARCíA-GóMEZ P., FLORES M., HERNáNDEZ-AGUADO I. Spanish children are most affected by the economic crisis, says the Spanish Society of Public Health (SESPAS). BMJ (Online). 2015;350.
We have completed the follow-up of the cohort (project funded by the FIS and directed by Blanca Lumbreras) of 16.078 patients that underwent ra- diological exams for diverse causes. We detected solitary lung nodule in 893 patients. We have pub- lished the results (Eur Radiol. 2015; 25:3518-27) that provide key information for the clinical management of solitary nodule as they allow us to establish over- all cause of mortality in the cohort and lung can- cer specific mortality. The cohort will continue to
Lung cancer risk and cancer-specific mortality in subjects undergoing routine imaging test when stratified with and without identified lung nodule on imaging study. European Radiology. 2015;25(12):3518-3527.
CAIN LE, SAAG MS, PETERSEN M, MAY MT, INGLE SM, LOGAN R ET AL. Using observational data to emulate a randomized trial of dynamic treatment-switching strategies: an appli- cation to antiretroviral therapy.International journal of ep- idemiology. 2015.
`provide interesting results with clear implications in clinical practice. Concerted with this project, an additional project also funded by FIS has been de- signed to develop clinical guidelines on radiological test request. Their results will be shared with the Sociedad Española de Radiología Médica in a work- shop for the final phase of results translation.
Institution: Universidad Miguel Hernández · Contact: Ctra. Valencia s/n. 03550 San Juan de Alicante Tel.: 96 591 95 12 · E.mail: [email protected]
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