Page 91 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
DIAZ A., ROMERO J.D., RODRíGUEZ C., ALASTRUE I., BELDA J., BRU F.J. ET AL. Effects of region of birth, educational level and age on late presentation among men who have sex with men newly diagnosed with hiv in a network of sti/hiv counselling and testing clinics in spain. Eurosurveillance. 2015;20(14):1-8.
GóMEZ-BARROSO D., HERRADOR Z., SAN MARTíN J.V., GHER- ASIM A., AGUADO M., ROMERO-MATE A. ET AL. Spatial distri- bution and cluster analysis of a leishmaniasis outbreak in
vaccine effectiveness in Spain using sentinel surveillance data. Eurosurveillance. 2015;20(28).
MONGE S, DíEZ M, áLVAREZ M, GUILLOT V, IRIBARREN JA, PALACIOS R ET AL. Use of cohort data to estimate nation- al prevalence of transmitted drug resistance to antiret- roviral drugs in Spain (2007-2012).Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;21(1):105.e1-5.
the south-western Madrid region, Spain, September 2009 to April 2013. Euro surveillance : bulletin Européen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable dis- ease bulletin. 2015;20(7):11-20.
During 2015, our Group has participated in 5 Nation- al and 4 International Research Projects in collabo- ration with another CIBERESP Groups.
In relation to the National Plan for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, we have been working in the Epidemiological indicators for 2014 and we launched the Technical Report about the Situation of Tuberculosis in Spain, 2014.
In the framework of the Plans for Eradication and Elimination (WHO), we elaborated the National Sit- uation Reports about polio, measles and rubella in Spain. It is also remarkable our collaboration in updating the National Action Plan for Polio Eradica- tion and the updating of the National Immunization schedule to be set up in 2017.
Our research in influenza vaccine effectiveness contributed to GIVE Report 2015 (The Global Influ- enza Vaccine Effectiveness Collaboration). The aim of this collaboration is to support WHO in the two annual selection processes of the influenza virus strains to include in the seasonal vaccine for the next flu season.
MOLBAK K., ESPENHAIN L., NIELSEN J., TERSAGO K., BOSSUYT N., DENISSOV G. ET AL. Excess mortality among the elderly in European Countries, December 2014 to February 2015. Eurosurveillance. 2015;20(11).
Besides, the “Procedures Guidelines for the Influen- za Surveillance in Spain” was approved. This doc- ument collects the detailed surveillance guidelines from all the components of the National Influenza Surveillance Network.
Two Guidelines for Health Care Associated Infec- tions in surgical sites and in intensive care units were developed during 2015. These Guidelines will be the bases for the implementation of this surveil- lance at national level.
It was also relevant our participation in the Strategic National Action Plan for reducing the risk of antibi- otic resistance spreading. This Plan was supported from the National Spanish Agency for Drugs and Sanitary Products. We also collaborated in the elab- oration of the Annual Report of the Strategic Plan.
Finally, our Group prepared the Outbreak Report in relation to the contamination of a chlorhexidine dis- infectant with Serratia marcescens.
Institution: Instituto de Salud Carlos III · Contact: Centro Nacional de Epidemiología. Campus Chamartín C/ Sinesio Delgado, 6 -pabellón 12. 28029 Madrid · Tel.: 918 222 609
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