Page 89 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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We have found that patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) present high levels of genetic damage at both primary and fixed level. / The CRF patients are char- acterized by genomic instability. This supposes that these patients are extremely sensitive to the environ- mental genotoxicants. / CRF patients present high mortality, but not specific causes have been found. / DNA oxidative damage and its inability to repair it is an important factor explaining why these patients show high levels of genetic damage.
Genotoxic mechanisms of nanomaterials. This is a recent research line aiming to determine the risk that
can suppose the presence of these new materials in our near environment.
The obtained results until now indicate that:
Silver in its nanoparticulated form is able of induce genotoxic damage in vivo as we have demonstrate in Drosophila. / We have detected several nanomateri- als such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide modulate the genotoxic effects induced by UV light. / Long-term exposures to sub-toxic doses of cobalt nanoparticles induce cell transformation as well as other markers of tumoral processes. / Cerium nanoparticles pose anti- oxidant potential both in vivo and in vitro.
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
BACH J., PEREMARTI J., ANNANGI B., MARCOS R., HERNáNDEZ A.. Oxidative DNA damage enhances the carcinogenic po- tential of in vitro chronic arsenic exposures. Archives of Toxicology. 2015.
ANNANGI B., RUBIO L., ALARABY M., BACH J., MARCOS R., HERNáNDEZ A.. Acute and long-term in vitro effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles. Archives of Toxicology. 2015.
FIGLIOLI G., CHEN B., ELISEI R., ROMEI C., CAMPO C., CIPOLLINI M. ET AL. Novel genetic variants in differentiated thyroid cancer and assessment of the cumulative risk. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
A total 17 publications with an accumulated impact factor of 68.110 have been published. This means an averaged factor of 4.001.
Participation in two research projects. One supported by FIS in collaboration with the Fundación Puigvert en- titled: Biomarcadores de pronóstico y estrategias para disminuir la morbimortalidad de pacientes con insufi- ciencia renal. The second one has been funded by the UE and entitled: A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials (NaNoREG).
Defence of three PhD Thesis entitled:
• Estudi in vitro del paper del dany oxidatiu com a mecanisme d’acció en la carcinogènesi associada a l’arsènic. Jordi Bach Griera. Directores: A. Hernán- dez y R. Marcos. Lectura: 16-11-2015.
RUBIO L., ANNANGI B., VILA L., HERNáNDEZ A., MARCOS R.. Antioxidant and anti-genotoxic properties of cerium oxide nanoparticles in a pulmonary-like cell system. Archives of Toxicology. 2015.
ALARABY M., ANNANGI B., HERNáNDEZ A., CREUS A., MAR- COS R.. A comprehensive study of the harmful effects of ZnO nanoparticles using Drosophila melanogaster as an in vivo model. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015;296:166-174.
• Dany genètic i la seva modulació en pacients amb malaltia renal crónica. Lara Rodríguez Ribera. Direc- tores: S. Pastor y R. Marcos. Lectura: 19-11-2015.
• Los factores de transcripción TBX15 e YY1 en cánc- er. Función y regulación de TBX15. Expresión de YY1 en cáncer de tiroides. Jesssica Arribas Arranz. Directora: A. Velázquez. Lectura: 27-11-2015.
Ricard Marcos acted as expert, nominated by the Min- isterio de Sanidad y Consumo, in the ad hoc Commis- sion of the OCDE responsible for the revision and up- dating of the Guidelines on Genotoxicity Assays.
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · Contact: Edifici C (Fac. Biociències) Campus UAB. 2a Pl. 08193 Cerdanyola · Tel.: 93 581 20 52 E.mail: [email protected]
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