Page 117 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 117
• Statistical methods
- Mixed models
- Spatial statistics
- Spatial misalignment - Bayesian methods
• Health econometrics
- Effects of the economic crisis on health - Evaluation of public policies
- Evaluation of health technologies
Most relevant scientific articles
• Barceló M.A., Coll-Negre M., Coll-De-Tuero G., Sáez M. Effects of the financial crisis on psychotropic drug consumption in a cohort from a semi-urban region in Catalonia, Spain. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(2)
• Barceló M.A., Varga D., Tobias A., Díaz J., Linares C., Sáez M. Long term effects of traffic noise on mortality in the city of Barcelona, 2004-2007. Environmental Research. 2016;147:193-206.
• Maynou L., Sáez M.. Economic crisis and health inequalities: Evidence from the European Union. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2016;15(1).
• Ferri MJ, Sáez M, Figueras J, Fort E, Sabat M, López-Ben S et al. Improved Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Diagnosis in Jaundiced and Non-Jaundiced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Patients through the Combination of Routine Clinical Markers Associated to Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Pathophysiology. PloS one. 2016;11(1):e0147214.
• Arroyo V., Diaz J., Ortiz C., Carmona R., Sáez M., Linares C. Short term effect of air pollution, noise and heat waves on preterm births in Madrid (Spain). Environmental Research. 2016;145:162-168.
During 2016 our group has continued working on our main lines of research: environmental epidemiology, in which all our methodological lines intervene; Clinical epidemiology, involving mixed models and Bayesian methods; Epidemiology of cancer, involving mixed models and Bayesian statistics, health econometrics, in which also all our methodological lines intervene.
As far as research projects are concerned, we participated in two FIS funded projects, ISCIII, for 2016 to 2018, one on clinical epidemiology (PI15 / 00140) (cardiovascular risk factors), in which both the Principal investigator as some collaborators we are members of our group; And another on cancer epidemiology (PI15 / 00966), in which members of our group participate as collaborators. Finally, we have obtained an aid, financed by the University of Girona, to support all our lines of research.
We signed three research agreements, one with Pfizer (line of research, clinical epidemiology), another
with the Serveis de Salut Integrats of the Baix Empordà (SSIBE) (research line, Health Econometrics) and another with the Girona City Council Municipal) (line of research, Epidemiology-Delinquency).
One member of our group defended her doctoral thesis (qualification of outstanding cum laude by unanimity), in the line of Health Econometrics (socioeconomic inequalities in health and effects of the crisis on health).
In the research lines of environmental epidemiology, spatial statistics, spatial misalignment and mixed models, we were awarded the VI Emilio Perea Prize for the best senior communication during XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE).
We have started two new lines of research: ALS and ADHD.
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