Page 115 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 115
Most relevant scientific articles
• Isabel R.-P., Miguel R.-B., Antonio R.-G., Óscar M.-G. Economic crisis and suicides in Spain. Socio- demographic and regional variability. European Journal of Health Economics. 2016:1-8.
• Escriba-Aguir V., Rodríguez-Gómez M., Ruiz-Pérez I. Effectiveness of patient-targeted interventions to promote cancer screening among ethnic minorities: A systematic review. Cancer Epidemiology. 2016;44:22-39.
• Blanco-Munoz J., Lacasana M., López-Flores I., Rodríguez-Barranco M., González-Alzaga B., Bassol S. et al. Association between organochlorine pesticide exposure and thyroid hormones in floriculture workers. Environmental Research. 2016;150:357-363.
• Bermúdez-Tamayo C., Mukamana O., Carabali M., Osorio L., Fournet F., Dabire K.R. et al. Priorities and needs for research on urban interventions targeting vector-borne diseases: Rapid review of scoping and systematic reviews. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2016;5(1).
• Artazcoz L., Cortes I., Benavides F.G., Escriba-Aguir V., Bartoll X., Vargas H. et al. Long working hours and health in Europe: Gender and welfare state differences in a context of economic crisis. Health and Place. 2016;40:161-168.
• Participation by three professionals from the group in the project European Human Monitoring Initiative (EHBMI). H2020-SC1-2016.
• Completion of the study of cohort on violence of gender during the pregnancy and postpartum and home of thesis doctoral.
• Participation of the group in the lines of research and publications on the theme crisis and health, and participation in the subprogramme of Crisis and health.
• Development of the methodology of systematic reviews and meta-analyses as methods.
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