Page 123 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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• Effect of a community based intervention program to prevent childhood obesity.
The rapid growth of childhood obesity is a serious problem for public health worldwide. Spain has one of the highest prevalence rates of childhood overweight and obesity among OECD countries. A recent study reported 25,3% of Spanish children aged 8-13 were overweight and 9.6% were obese [6]. Childhood obesity has a multifactorial aetiology. Unhealthy lifestyle such as inadequate diet and low physical activity is strongly related with weight gain.
Community Based Interventions programs (CBI) are a holistic approach to prevent childhood obesity. CBI act from all key sectors that influence childhood development (family, school, health professionals, sports, media, stores and food markets). However, there is limited information on the efficacy of CBI in Europe. Currently we are performing a parallel intervention study including 2249 children aged 8 to 10 years from 4 Spanish towns to determine the efficacy of a CBI on the prevention of childhood obesity and modification of lifestyle.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Schroder H., Gómez S.F., Ribas-Barba L., Pérez-Rodrigo C., Bawaked R.A., Fito M. et al. Monetary diet cost, diet quality, and parental socioeconomic status in Spanish Youth. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(9).
• Schroder H., Serra-Majem L., Subirana I., Izquierdo-Pulido M., Fito M., Elosua R. Association of increased monetary cost of dietary intake, diet quality and weight management in Spanish adults. British Journal of Nutrition. 2016;1-6.
• Ríos-Rodríguez M.D.L.A., García-Cerdan M.R., Calonge-Vallejo A.R., Tobella-Andreu L., Baena-Díez J.M., Schroder H.. Feasibility and results of the short Diet Quality Screener in Primary Care: EMAP study. Enfermeria Clinica. 2016;26(6):351-357.
• Díez-Espino J., Basterra-Gortari F.J., Salas-Salvadó J., Buil-Cosiales P., Corella D., Schroder H. et al. Egg consumption and cardiovascular disease according to diabetic status: The PREDIMED study. Clinical Nutrition. 2016.
• Henríquez-Sánchez P., Sánchez-Villegas A., Ruano-Rodríguez C., Gea A., Lamuela-Raventós R.M., Estruch R. et al. Dietary total antioxidant capacity and mortality in the PREDIMED study. European Journal of Nutrition. 2016.
Our group collaborated in the elaboration of a report on physical activity in the infantile and
juvenile population in Spain inside the network Activate Global Healthy Kids Alliance (http://www. activehealthykids. org/about/). The report was distributed to the media and health professionals among others. Additionally, the main results were published in the international scientific journal Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Our group participated in several publications of the PREDIMED study. One of the most important works was published in Clinical Nutrition and present data on the association of egg consumption and cardiovascular disease. We observed no significant impact of egg consumption on CHD. Within our research line Impact of diet on cardiometabolic health we have published two manuscripts about the impact of monetary diet cost on diet quality and weight management in adults and children in the British Journal of Nutrition and Plos. We provided additional evidence for adverse impact of monetary diet cost on diet quality in adults and children. Additionally, higher diet costs were positively associated with weight development in adults. Finally, we published data on the feasibility of the application of a short diet questionnaire in primary care. Our results showed that this dietary questionnaire is a valid instrument to record diet quality in time limited settings.
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