Page 124 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 124
Sunyer Deu, Jordi
Fundación Privada Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona (ISGlobal)
Campus Mar
Doctor Aiguader 88 1a planta Edifici PRBB 08003 Barcelona
(+34) 93 214 73 50 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Cirugeda Bolós, Lourdes | Delgado Llobet, Ana | García Esteban, Raquel | Gros Monné, Susana | Murcia Hinarejos, Mario Jesús
Associated members: Agis Cherta, David | Anto Boque, Josep María | Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane | Basagaña Flores, Xavier | Benet Mora, Marta | Bouso Castillo, Laura | Bustamante Pineda, Mariona | Casas Ruiz, Lidia | Clemente Batalha Pardal, Diana | Fochs Casas, Silvia | Foraster Pulido, María | Fossati, Serena | García Aymerich, Judith | Gascón Merlos, Mireia | Gimeno Santos, Elena | Guxens Junyent, Mónica | Jacquemin, Benedicte | Julvez Calvo, Jordi | Levie, Deborah | Lubczynska, Malgorzata Joanna | Maitre, Lea | Martínez Murciano, David | Persavento, María Cecilia | Pey Rosell, Nuria | Pinart Gilberga, Mariona | Rivas Lara, Ioar | Serra Pons, Ignasi | Tamayo Uria, Ibon | Torrent Quetglas, Matias | Vafeiadi, Marina | Valvi, Damaskini | Vilahur Chiaraviglio, Nadia | Vilor Tejedor, Natalia | Vrijheid, Martine
Main lines of research
Pre and post-natal life are critical periods in the origins of chronic diseases, such as obesity, the metabolic syndrome, cognitive development, and the origins of asthma and allergy.
The major scientific objective is: To perform epidemiological studies on the early life origins of the neurodevelopment, the obesity and metabolic syndrome and allergy and asthma.
Scientific objectives:
• To discover the effects of early life environmental factors (i.e., traffic, indoor air pollution, fish intake) on
brain function, lung function and asthma/allergy.
• To investigate the role of environmental agents (i.e., DDE, BPA, PFCs, endocrine disruptors) on obesity
and metabolic syndrome, and on asthma and the immune system.
• To identify early epigenetic markers of neurodevelopment, obesity and growth, and asthma, as well as
the gene-environmental interactions related to asthma and COPD progression.
• To develop methods on omics in child health studies and methods on the statistical analysis of these
• To extend the program to a global health agenda following collaboration on risk balance of indoor
residual spraying and indoor biofuel mass combustion.
• To assess the effects of physical activity and diet in asthma/allergy, obesity and COPD. To assess the
phenotypic heterogeneity and the comorbidities of respiratory and allergic diseases and COPD.
Epidemiology and Prevention of Environmental and Occupational Diseases

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