Page 28 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 28
Training programme
Coordinator: Beatriz Pérez-Gómez
This year the Training Programme has reinforced its two lines of action: mobility and further training.
In 2016 the mobility grants were restructured and diversified, by creating new calls for furthering the cooperation of CIBERESP researchers both internally and with other groups. These grants are intramural, meaning that they are intended only for personnel contracted by or attached to CIBERESP. Three calls have been issued nationwide, offering a total number of 18 grants for short stays between CIBERESP groups, and a new category has been added, with a call consisting of 8 grants for short stays at other national research groups not from CIBERESP. International mobility has also been promoted. On one hand, the 3 grants for 3 months which CIBERESP traditionally calls to enable its doctorate students to obtain international mention have been maintained. A call for aid for international stays has also been set up in order to promote the professional development of its own staff taken on by CIBERESP, including post-doctoral researchers, higher qualification-holders and mid-level technical staff.
The grants for further training are extramural, meaning that these are open to researchers from
outside CIBERESP, and seek to promote quality research in Public Health. They are also a useful tool for boosting cooperation with other CIBER Areas. In 2016 an agreement with CIBEROBN was established to cooperate in the Excellence Encounter in Public Health which is traditionally arranged by CIBERESP. This Encounter is intended to give young trainee scientists in Epidemiology and Public Health the chance to directly discuss and swap ideas on their Doctoral Thesis projects in an informal setting with accredited Public Health scientists. By means of this agreement, apart from the 9 CIBERESP grants, this year the area of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) has financed two attendance grants specifically intended for doctorands in its field. The cooperation experience has been highly satisfactory, and the agreement will thus be maintained for 2017, and will very probably be extended to include a further 2 grant beneficiaries from another of the CIBER Areas (CIBERDEM).
Apart from this CIBERESP also continues to finance the Prizes for the best 10 papers presented by young research staff at the Reunión Científica Anual SEE, held jointly with the Congress of the Portuguese Epidemiology Association, or at the Latin-American Congress on Epidemiology and Public Health SESPAS/ SEE. In its present format, this award includes a diploma and covers the cost of enrolling the winner for
the following year’s meeting. The Training programme has also continued to promote training or scientific activities carried out to establish special, more favourable conditions, for CIBERESP members.

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