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BiblioPRO can highlight the following achievements in 2016:
2300 new users were registered (9820 accumulated users), with an average of 5000 visits a month.
SUBLICENCES: 407 applications for sublicences were received. 70% of the applicants are researchers (students and universities), 23% were public administrations and 7% were from private companies.
NEW INSTRUMENTS: The information on the almost 400 new PROs identified in the systematic review for 2013-2014 started to be processed. These new PROs will be uploaded onto the web site in April 2017.
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 2015: the review of 2418 titles, 1515 abstracts and 911 articles was completed. In 2017 the data extraction will be concluded.
NEW CONTENT: The data on the technical datasheets of roughly 20 instruments was verified and completed with the authors’ cooperation.
III SCIENTIFIC SESSION (23 February 2017): its preparation over 2016 included obtaining the accreditation by the CCFCPS (0.6 credits), the search for sponsors (to date MSD and CHIESI have contributed), and the invitation to take part at the conference of international experts such as Professor Nick Black from the University of London and experts in PROs Javier Rejas from Pfizer and Chris Gibbons from the University of Cambridge. The Scientific Committee selected 58 talks for different formats: oral papers at plenary sessions (10), oral papers for parallel sessions (22) and poster presentation (26).
RESEARCH: A research project on “Application of PRO instruments in Spain: systematic review and recommendations based on evidence” was obtained, in which researchers from the Scientific Committee are taking part (PI16/00130-ISCIII/FEDER).
EMPRO ASSESSMENT: The comparison of the metric properties of all the PROs in infant oral health was got under way.
Cooperation in the BIBLIOINDICA project, in which it is intended to develop a library of healthcare indicators. Joint initiative of CIBERESP and REDISSEC.
TRAINING ACTIVITIES: The process for accreditation of the new edition of the blended course (15-22 February 2017) “Development and use of EMPRO: a tool for standardised assessment of PRO measures”. Teaching staff consisting of investigators from the BiblioPRO scientific committee.
2 WEBINARS were given (in English and in Spanish: 20/06/2016 and 19/07/2016, respectively) entitled “Standardised assessments of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO): EMPRO method” in the setting of the Latin-American SIG of the International Society for Quality of Life (ISOQOL).
Ferrer M, Alonso J. The measurement of health outcomes from the perspective of the patient. In: Juan del
Llano. Monograph. Patient-Reported Outcome (PROs). (in press).

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