Page 42 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 42
Bolumar Montrull, Francisco
Universidad de Alcalá
Facultad de Medicina
Campus Universitario
Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, km. 33,6 28871 Alcalá de Henares
[email protected]
group website
Staff members: Navarrete Muñoz, Eva María
Associated members: García de la Hera, Manuela | Quiles Izquierdo, Joan Manuel | Rebagliato Ruso, Marisa | Rio Sánchez, Isabel | Vioque López, Jesús
Main lines of research
• Analyze the effect of pre and postnatal exposure to environmental pollutans and diet on neurodevelopment, lung function, allergy, and respiratory health in the INMA cohort study. (
• Identify associated factors in relation to overweight and obesity in adult and children of the INMA study. (;
• Evaluate the effect of diet on non-communicable diseases such as cancer, age-related macular degeneration and other metabolic diseases.
• Evaluate the effect on the incidence of T2DM of an intensive weight loss intervention based on a traditional hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and behavioral therapy, as compared to dietary advice based on a MedDiet in the context of usual health care
Epidemiology and Prevention of Environmental and Occupational Diseases

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