Page 41 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Rolain J.M., Baquero F. The refusal of the Society to accept antibiotic toxicity: Missing opportunities for therapy of severe infections. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2016;22(5):423-427.
• Delicado T.L., Torrecilla E., Holguin A. Deep analysis of HIV-1 natural variability across HIV-1 variants at residues associated with integrase inhibitor (INI) resistance in INI-naive individuals. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016;71(2):362-366.
• Freitas AR, Tedim AP, Francia MV, Jensen LB, Novais C, Peixe L et al. Multilevel population genetic analysis of vanA and vanB Enterococcus faecium causing nosocomial outbreaks in 27 countries (1986- 2012). The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy. 2016;71(12):3351-3366.
• Chueca N., Rivadulla I., Lovatti R., Reina G., Blanco A., Fernández-Caballero J.A. et al. Using NS5B sequencing for hepatitis C virus genotyping reveals discordances with commercial platforms. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(4).
• Guzmán Prieto A.M., van Schaik W., Rogers M.R.C., Coque T.M., Baquero F., Corander J. et al. Global emergence and dissemination of enterococci as nosocomial pathogens: Attack of the clones? Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016;7(MAY).
Our G33 CIBERESP Group became integrated, as an academic group, in the 8th-Call Innovative-Medicines Initiative, ENABLE-115583 Program and MEDINA, TRN, HELPERBY and OXFORD Sub-Projects, looking for new antibiotics to limit the antibiotic resistance problem in Public Health. Different health research projects still active at ISCIII (PI12-01581; PI12-00567; PI12-00240; PI15-01307; PI15-00818; PI15/01005; CP15-00012); and in the Community of Madrid (PROMPT-S2010/BMD-2414). New projects have been financed: two H2020 Projects of Joint Action-International JPI-EC-AMR JTC 2016 and two FIS-ISCIII projects.
The Group participates in International Committee as Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (Dra. Coque), Infect-ERA (Dr. Baquero and Dra. Coque), ERA-NET (Dr. Baquero).
Dr. Val Fdez-Lanza was awarded with a “Scholarship Award” of the European Society of Microbiology (ESCMID) in Amsterdam.
A new platform to capture resistant genes to antibiotic, heavy metals, biocides and resistance plasmid vectors has been developed and presented. This platform allows the investigation of 85,000 resistance genes spread in humans, animals, effluents and food (ResCapv01).
The Group has published more than 20 peer review publications, plenty of scientific and guest communications as “Sources and progenitors of antibiotic resistance genes” (American Society of Microbiology, Boston) and “Antibiotic Resistance; Overview of the Threat” (NIH(USA)-Nordic Symposium, Stockholm) by Dr. Baquero and “Metals and Biocides in the Selection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria” (Academy of Sweden) by Dra. Coque. Organization CIBERESP Conference titled “Immigration, Global Health and Communicable Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities” at Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Dr. Baquero and Dr. Galán).
Different alliances with other CIBERESP groups, centres, diagnostic companies and SMEs, have been established. Significant activity has been developed to create barriers against microbial transmission and antibiotic resistance, molecular epidemiology of respiratory infections, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, specifically in populations of developing countries.
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