Page 52 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 52
Casabona Barbara, Jordi
Fund. Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol
Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos sobre las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y Sida de Cataluña
Ctra. de Can Ruti.
Cami de les escoles s/n 08916 Badalona | Barcelona
(+34) 93 497 88 91 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Ferrer Serret, Laia | López Corbeto, Evelin
Associated members: Agustí Benito, Cristina | Almeda Ortega, Jesús | Carnicer Pont, Dolors | Esteve Gómez, Anna | Fernández López, Laura | Folch Toda, Cinta M | González Soler, María Victoria | Lugo Colón, Rossie | Martró Catalá, Elisa | Matas Andreu, Joana María Lourdes | Sabido Espin, Meritxell | Saludes Montoro, Veronica | Vives Martín, Nuria
Main lines of research
• Description of the natural history of HIV, patterns of use and effectiveness of cART and build HIV continuum of care in Catalonia.
• Modeling and new methods of monitoring HIV epidemics and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their determinants.
• Evaluation of HIV and STI preventive interventions and prevention and control measures.
• Implementation studies and operational research on early diagnosis of HIV.
• Study of biological, behavioral and structural determinants in the acquisition and propagation of
communicable diseases in the immigrant population.
• Global Health. Design of multi-level preventive interventions and monitoring of social metrics and
networks applied to the study of the HIV and STI epidemic.
• Development and validation of new molecular techniques for STI diagnosis.
• Design and validation of new strategies and diagnostic tools to improve the diagnosis of active HCV
infection in populations at high risk of infection and difficult access in the community, and update
epidemiological data in Spain.
• Study of the genetic variability of HCV in relation to: i) personalized medicine (resistance to antiviral
treatment and prediction of progression of liver fibrosis), ii) characterization of the molecular epidemiology of the virus, and iii) improvement of commercial genotyping techniques.
DAPET Programme

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