Page 53 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 53
Most relevant scientific articles
• Fernández-López L., Reyes-Uruena J., Agustí C., Kustec T., Klavs I., Casabona C. The COBATEST network: a platform to perform monitoring and evaluation of HIV community-based testing practices in Europe and conduct operational research. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2016;1-5.
• Saludes V., Quer J., Gregori J., Bascunana E., García-Cehic D., Esteban J.I. et al. Identification of hepatitis C virus genotype 3 by a commercial assay challenged by natural polymorphisms detected in Spain from patients with diverse origins. Journal of Clinical Virology. 2016;78:14-19.
• Fernández-López L., Folch C., Majo X., Gasulla L., Casabona J. Implementation of rapid HIV and HCV testing within harm reduction programmes for people who inject drugs: a pilot study. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2016;1-5.
• Ferrer L., Folch C., Fernández-Davila P., García A., Morales A., Belda J. et al. Awareness of Pre- exposure Prophylaxis for HIV, Willingness to Use It and Potential Barriers or Facilitators to Uptake Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Spain. AIDS and Behavior. 2016;:1-11.
• Jordana-Lluch E, Rivaya B, Marcó C, Giménez M, Quesada MD, Escobedo A et al. Molecular diagnosis of bloodstream infections in onco-haematology patients with PCR/ESI-MS technology. The Journal of infection. 2016.
The group was invited to an experts meeting organized by the University of Wolverhampton to identify collaborations focused on vulnerable populations and / or migration. In addition, the Policy Brief “Migration and Health in Spain” was published, which proposes recommendations for improvement in areas such as occupational health, infectious diseases, mental health, and access to health care and sexual and reproductive health.
The results of the project led by the Fundació Sida i Societat with the collaboration of UNwomen and the ACCD were presented in an event that counted with the participation of the Chief of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
At European level, the call for tenders of CHAFEA titled ESTICOM started, CEEISCAT leads Objective 2. CEEISCAT was nominated by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality as a member of the Joint Action Link2Care funded by CHAFEA. The results of the first economic evaluation of community-based HIV screening centers for MSM were published.
The ECDC invited Dr. Casabona to an experts meeting to present the DEVO and COBATEST networks as examples of the integration of data collected in community screening centers into the surveillance system. The ECDC funded a project to improve the collection of information in the COBATEST Network, which in turn has received funding from Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd for its consolidation.
The HepCdetect line of research on new screening tools for active HCV infection has been consolidated (GLD14- 00274, PI15 / 00284, GLD16-00135). For the first time in Spain, community screening of key groups in the control of this infection (PWIDS, MSM, sex workers) has been carried out by the RNA-HCV assay in dry blood.
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