Page 67 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Ban J.-W., Emparanza J.I., Urreta I., Burls A. Design characteristics influence performance of clinical prediction rules in validation: A meta-epidemiological study. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(1).
• Cabello J.B., Burls A., Emparanza J.I., Bayliss S.E., Quinn T. Oxygen therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2016;2016(12).
• Mellado M., Pijoan J.I., Jiménez D., Muriel A., Aujesky D., Bertoletti L. et al. Outcomes Associated With Inferior Vena Cava Filters Among Patients With Thromboembolic Recurrence During Anticoagulant Therapy. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions. 2016;9(23):2440-2448.
• Fernández-Torron R., García-Puga M., Emparanza J.-I., Maneiro M., Cobo A.-M., Poza J.-J. et al. Cancer risk in DM1 is sex-related and linked to miRNA-200/141 downregulation. Neurology. 2016;87(12):1250- 1257.
• Bonfill X., Osorio D., Sola I., Pijoan J.I., Balasso V., Quintana M.J. et al., an on-line database containing appraisals of the clinical value and appropriateness of healthcare interventions: Database development and retrospective analysis. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(2).
Our leadership of the MAPAC project in our environment (OSI Donostialdea) is probably our most relevant activity. The acceptance by the clinicians on the one hand and the utility perceived by the Hospital managers (including CEO) on the other, make this initiative that aims to produce recommendations in the clinical field following a robust methodology, our most remarkable activity. These recommendations, developed within the framework of a commission created for this purpose, promote a change in clinical practice, which we also try monitor. In the last year, we have incorporated primary care clinicians to
our team and increased the recommendations of application in primary care setting. We have worked during the last year with the Sant-Pau group in the elaboration of a procedure (and software) based on GRADE in order to systematize and, where possible, standardize the preparation and drafting of the recommendations that the different groups can elaborate.
In addition to this MAPAC work in the commission, we participated in multicenter projects with CIBERESP groups: Adequacy of blood transfusions, Evaluation of the pre-test probability of significant stenosis in patients with unstable angina in ER who undergo cardiac CT.
Another important activity has been the validation of the HOMR clinical prediction rule, of mortality at
1 year after hospital discharge. This rule has subsequently been used together with the socio-sanitary characteristics of the chronic patient and their environment to improve the relevance and appropriateness of the allocation of socio-health care resources following a stratification scheme that we are currently validating in our environment. In addition to the Clinical Epidemiology Unit, this project involves the Internal Medicine service, the Admissions service, Social Services of the Provincial Government and Home Hospitalization.
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