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official activity, the group currently keeps research activity in the following aspects. - Development and evaluation of diagnostic methodologies for rabies.
- Molecular Epidemiology of canine rabies in Ceuta and Melilla.
- Epidemiology and pathogenesis of bat rabies.
- Search of new potentially emergent viruses in bats.
- Efficiency of rabies vaccines.
• Neurological Diseases of viral etiology. Etiology of meningitis and encephalitis in Spain.
• Polyomavirus disease in the immune-compromised.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Martínez-Torres A.O., Mosquera M.M., De Ory F., González-Praetorius A., Echevarría J.E. Genetic characterization of rubella virus strains detected in Spain, 1998-2014. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(9).
• Sanz J.C., Ramos B., Fernández A., García-Comas L., Echevarría J.E., de Ory F. Serological diagnosis of mumps: Value of the titration of specific IgG. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica. 2016.
• Risco-Risco C., Masa-Calles J., López-Perea N., Echevarría J.E., Rodríguez-Caravaca G. Epidemiology of measles in vaccinated people, Spain 2003-2014. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica. 2016.
• Pozo F., Juste J., Vázquez-Moron S., Aznar-López C., Ibánez C., Garin I. et al. Identification of novel betaherpesviruses in iberian bats reveals parallel evolution. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(12).
• Cayla J.A., Domínguez A., Rodríguez Valin E., de Ory F., Vázquez A., Fortuny C. Zika virus infection: a new public health emergency with great media impact. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2016;30(6):468-471.
• A total of 13th articles have been published. Two of them in the context of the project about MMR vaccine (FIS PI12/02006). Other ten are in preparation or ready to be submitted in brief. Another two publications are related with the research line about rabies and bat borne viruses and there are another 3 in preparation or ready to be sent in brief. The remaining nine are related with other collaborations.
• We have participated in the elaboration of the annual report of the National Plan for Measles and Rubella Elimination for the WHO, as well as in the annual meeting of the Spanish Independent Committee for the Verification of Measles and Rubella Elimination. Indeed, we have participated in the biannual meeting of the WHO net of measles and rubella reference laboratories, which took place in Buvda (Montenegro) on June 26, 27, 2016.
• We have participated in different national (seven communications) and international (two communications) meetings.
• A new research project funded by the Strategic Action in Health of the Spanish Government has been initiated, entitled EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND VIROLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE VIRAL AGENTS INCLUDED
IN THE MMR VACCINE: NEW CHALLENGES. In addition to the members of the research team of our CIBERSP group, we account with the participation of members of other CIBERESP groups, the Regional Public Health Laboratory of the Madrid Autonomous Community, the Service of Epidemiology of the Public Health Service of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, as well as with 27 primary attention pediatricians and one from hospital attention.
• We have particpated in the workshop about Health and international population movements, which took place on february 2016 in Madrid, organised by the National Center of Epidemiology (ISCIII) and the program PREVICET (CIBERESP).
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