Page 34 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Research groups
Group 9
Programme: Assessment of Health Services Lead Researcher: Alonso Caballero, Jordi
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: García Forero, Carlos | Martín Morris, Luisa Aurea | Pardo Cladellas, Yolanda.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Ávila Pacheco, Mónica Marcela | Blasco Cubedo, Ma Jesús | Castellví Obiols, Pere | Ferrer Fores, Montserrat | Garín Boronat, Olatz | Hernández Pombo, Ma Gimena | Olariu, Elena | Pont Acuña, Àngels | Vilagut Saiz, Gemma.
COLLABORATORS: Barbas López, Puri. Main lines of research
Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) Measure- ments. Development and evaluation of HRQL instru- ments in a cross-sectional research line (health ser- vices, public health and clinical research). We have adapted and validated more than 40 HRQL instru- ments, developing a standard guide for evaluating the quality of these instruments (EMPRO), and we have developed a “Method and system for evaluating an individual’s Health-Related Quality of Life” (patent application No. P200600211). Collaboration in sev- eral European Union-funded projects: International Quality of Life Outcomes Database (IQOD), Meas- uring Health and Disability in Europe (MHADIE) and the KIDSCREEN project. Active participation with the PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) initiative funded by the USA NIH. J Alonso is a member of the Board of Directors of the PROMIS Health Organization (PHO). We lead the tech-
nology platform BiblioPRO, a virtual library of HRQL questionnaires in Spanish.
Estimation of the burden of mental disease. Research on frequency, risk factors, disabilities, and economic and social costs related to the most common men- tal disorders. Research performed in collaboration with World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys Consortium [] in 29 coun- tries, coordinated by Harvard University and WHO. Our group leads the 10 European participating countries with funding from the European Commission and oth- er funds. Assessment of the burden of mental health problems in Europe and estimates on care needs. It also includes studies on specific populations (such as university students) carried out in several countries simultaneously. WMH Consortium’s contributions are relevant to improve the knowledge on health care needs and are a more solid basis for decision-making
34 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP

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