Page 36 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 36
Research groups
Group 41
Programme: Epidemiology and Environmental and Occupational Risk Prevention
Lead Researcher: Ballester Díez, Ferrán
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Estarlich Estarlich, Ma Luisa | Gimeno Martos, Silvia.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Arnedo Pena, Alberto | Barona Vilar, Carmen | Bellido Blasco, Juan | Esplugues Cebrián, Ana | Ferrero Sanchís, Amparo | Fuentes Leonarte, Virginia | Íñiguez Hernández, Carmen | Llop Pérez, Sabrina | López Espinosa, Ma José | López Villarrubia, Elena | Marco Macian, Alfredo | Martínez Beneito, Miguel Ángel | Martos Jiménez, Ma del Carmen | Ramón Bonache, Rosa | Tenias Burillo, José Ma | Zurriaga Llorens, Óscar Ernesto.
COLLABORATORS: Cases Català, Amparo. Main lines of research
• Children and Environmental Health.
• Air pollution, climatic factors and health.
• Public Health Surveillance.
• Epidemiology of infectious diseases.
• Mechanisms of development of asthma and al-lergic diseases.
• Inequalities in health.
• Rare diseases.
• Clinical epidemiology.
• Statistical methods for analysis of epidemiologi- cal and environmental data.
• Women’s Health.
• Environmental health impact assessment.
• Assessment of exposure to toxic compounds. Bi-
• Preventive Medicine.
• Outbreaks’ investigation.
36 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP

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