Page 56 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 56
Research groups
Group 46
Programme: Social Determinants of Health Lead Researcher: Daponte Codina, Antonio
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Bernal Solano, Mariola | Cabrera León , Andrés | Danet, Alina.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Bolívar Muñoz, Julia | Escudero Carretero, María | March Cerdá, Joan Carles |
Mateo Rodríguez, Inmaculada | Prieto Rodríguez, María Ángeles | Sánchez Villegas, Pablo | Suess, Amets.
Main lines of research
• Environment and Health:
Air-pollution and health.
Exposure assessment and biomonitoring. Planning and Health.
Working conditions and health.
• Patients, Citizenship and Health Services: Citizen Expectations.
Excluded and social exclusion: drugs and social exclusion.
Immigration and health. Information needs of citizens.
• Social Inequalities in Health:
Evictions, energy poverty, and health.
Gender inequalities in health.
Gender and informal care.
Social and gender inequalities in cardiovascular health.
Productive-work, gender and health.
Interventions to reduce social and gender ine- qualities in health.
56 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP