Page 55 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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jecte Hepscreen. Screening for hepatitis B and C among migrants in the European Union).
• Translational Investigation: Significant interna- tional diffusion has been achieved with our web page. According to Google Analytics, every year
we had 10.000-20.000 visits, most of them from Spain and Latin America. From the visits and discussion forum comments, it is clear that we continue to play a key role in Spain and in Latin America.
Most relevant scientific articles
MARCO A., GALLEGO C., CAYLA J.A.. Incidence of hepatitis spective.Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clini- c infection among prisoners by routine laboratory values ca. 2014.
Research groups
during a 20-year period. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(2).
JIMéNEZ-FUENTES M.A., MILAAUGE C., GóMEZ M.N.A., PEI- RO J.S., DE SOUZA GALVAO M.L., MALDONADO J. ET AL. Screening for active tuberculosis in high-risk groups. In- ternational Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2014;18(12):1459-1465.
MOZALEVSKIS A, MANZANARES-LAYA S, GARCíA DE OLALLA P, MORENO A, JACQUES-AVIñó C, CAYLà JA. Can we rely on the antiretroviral treatment as the only means for human immunodeficiency virusprevention? A Public Health per-
BELLIDO-BLASCO J.B., PARDO-SERRANO F., BALLEST- ER-RODRíGUEZ I., ARNEDO-PENA A., TIRADO-BALAGUER M.D., ROMEU-GARCíA M.T. ET AL. An Estimate of the Incidence of Influenza-Like Illness During the Influenza Pandemic of 2009. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2014.
SOLANO R., RIUS C., SIMON P., MANZANARES-LAYA S., ROS M., TOLEDO D. ET AL. Evaluation of reported cases of pertussis: Epidemiological study in a large city in Spain. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2014;63:1688-1695.
Institution: Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona · Contact: Pl. Lesseps 1. 28023 Barcelona Tel.: 93 238 45 55 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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