Page 57 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
DANET A., MEDINA-DOMENECH R.M.. A “tale of two countries”: Narratives of hearts, patients and doctors in the Spanish press. Public Understanding of Science. 2015;24(6):641- 657.
CABRERA-LEóN A, LóPEZ-VILLAVERDE V, RUEDA M, MOYA-GARRIDO MN. Calibrated prevalence of infertility in 30- to 49-year-old women according to different ap- proaches: a cross-sectional population-based study.Hu- man reproduction (Oxford, England). 2015.
MATEO RODRíGUEZ I, DAPONTE CODINA A, BERNAL SOLANO M, SáNCHEZ PéREZ MJ, SáNCHEZ PéREZ MARíA JOSé. [Elab- oration of Criteria and Indicators to Develop and Evaluate
On Environment and Health we are running the project on “The impact of urban areas on health in Andalusia”, funded by the Ministry of Health of An- dalusia. We have also initiated the coordinated FIS project “Energy Poverty and Health in Spain before and during the economic crisis”, whose main ob- jective is to analyze the fuel poverty in the Auton- omous Regions of Spain and its relation to health, social determinants and climate, the urban environ- ment and the economic crisis. In the research line on social inequalities in health, it has being initiated the project “Exploratory Study of the Effects of the eviction process in the Health of the children affect- ed”, in collaboration with the University of Grana- da. In addition, we continue to develop appropriate measures to ascertain the degree of “awareness” of the general population and of European health professionals about gender inequalities in heart disease, within the project GenCAD (Gender specif- ic mechanisms in coronary artery disease (CAD) in
Programs of Healthy Aging in the Workplace].Revista es- panola de salud publica. 2015;89(5):497-514.
SALMI LR, BARSANTI S, BOURGUEIL Y, DAPONTE A, PIZNAL E, MéNIVAL S ET AL. Interventions addressing health inequali- ties in European regions: the AIR project.Health promotion international. 2015.
NOLASCO A., MONCHO J., QUESADA J.A., MELCHOR I., PE- REYRA-ZAMORA P., TAMAYO-FONSECA N. ET AL. Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in preventable mortality in urban areas of 33 Spanish cities, 1996-2007 (MEDEA pro- ject). International Journal for Equity in Health. 2015;14(1).
Europe). We have also participated in the white pa- per “Roadmap for Implementation of sex and gen- der into biomedicine and health research in Europe” within the EUGenMed Project (European Gender Medicine Network). Finally in this line of research on inequalities we have continued to work to complete an information system and its corresponding data- base, based on indicators on social, economic and environmental context of the Spanish autonomous communities, within the subprogram CIBER “cri- sis and health”. Regarding the transfer of research activities, the project School of Patients funded by the regional Ministry of Health has conducted more than 175 workshops with patients, 70 for trainers 12 video-chat, the III Congress and the III Summer School. And the Andalusian Observatory on Environ- ment and Health (OSMAN) is participating in the de- velopment of the EIS methodology for urban devel- opment, implementing the Andalusian legislation.
Institution: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública
Contact: Cuesta del Obsevatorio, 4. 18080 Granada · Tel.: 958 027 400
E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 57