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ed evaluation activity such as technology assess- ment, services and health interventions through various mechanisms, one of them being the sys- tematic reviews and the meta-analysis. The level of evidence derived from the meta-analysis is the highest and exceeds the experimental design. The objective in the following years is to propose a free-use package software that allows the non specialized scientific community to perform intu-
itively and with a minimal advice a meta-analysis from the first steps to the final proposal. This pro- ject is in a very advanced state of development. Also, the methodological elements will be investi- gated, such as heterogeneity and publication bias, and these methodological knowledge will be used to apply to specific meta-analysis, collaborating with the clinical services interested.
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
RUANO-RAVINA A., PéREZ-RIOS M.. Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT: More questions than answers. The Lan- cet Oncology. 2015;16(1):e3-e4.
RUANO-RAVINA A., PROVENCIO-PULLA M., FERNáNDEZ-VILLAR A.. Lung cancer screening white paper: A slippery step for- ward?. European Respiratory Journal. 2015;46(5):1519-1520.
TORRES-DURAN M., RUANO-RAVINA A., PARENTE-LAMELAS I., ABAL-ARCA J., LEIRO-FERNáNDEZ V., MONTERO-MARTíNEZ C. ET AL. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and Lung Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study in Never-Smokers. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2015;10(9):1279-1284.
Currently the group is running six competitive projects, in in which our researchers are IPs: a study obout the consequences of alcohol consumption in university students; the Small Cell Study about small cell lung cancer, its risk factors and genetic susceptibility; the IMATID Study to assess the effectiveness of an edu- cational intervention in community pharmacists to improve pharmaceutical care in flu, colds and other infections of the upper respiratory tract; the continua- tion of the project EMPHOGEN, through the new deter- minants gastrointestinal bleeding project associated with consumption of AAS as antiplatelet; a study on how the residential radon could see mediated its ef- fect on lung cancer through different genetic polymor- phisms in DNA repairing genes and the recognition by the Xunta de Galicia (on competitive basis) as a group of competitive reference (GRC). The first three projects have received funding in 2015 AES call.
GONZáLEZ-GONZáLEZ C., LóPEZ-VáZQUEZ P., VáZQUEZ-LA- GO J.M., PINEIRO-LAMAS M., HERDEIRO M.T., ARZAMENDI P.C. ET AL. Effect of physicians’ attitudes and knowledge on the quality of antibiotic prescription: A cohort study. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(10).
LóPEZ MJ, PéREZ-RíOS M, SCHIAFFINO A, FERNáNDEZ E. Mor- tality Attributable to Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Spain (2011).Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2015.
A group member has carried out a research stay at the Public Health School at Brown University for three months during 2015 through a Fulbright Scholarship (senior researchers). The award has been made on a competitive basis by the Ministry of Education in col- laboration with the Department of Education of the United States Government.
In September 2015 it was perform in Santiago the II Congreso Iberoamericano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública with over 800 attendees. This international congress had as president a member of the group and other members were part of the organizing committee.
In 2015 the group presented the results of their re- search at national and international forums. So they have been invited to lecture at the Brown University, in a PharmaTrain in Pharmaceutical Medicine at Lisboa, among others.
Institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela · Contact: Facultad de Medicina
C/ San Francisco s/n. 15782 Santiago de Compostela · Tel.: 98 195 09 01 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
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