Page 85 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
GARCíA-ALTES A., PINILLA J., MARI-DELL’OLMO M., FERNáN- DEZ E., LóPEZ M.J.. Economic impact of smoke-free leg- islation: Did the Spanish tobacco control law affect the economic activity of bars and restaurants?. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2015;17(11):1397-1400.
PéREZ-RIOS M., FERNáNDEZ E., SCHIAFFINO A., NEBOT M., LóPEZ M.J.. Changes in the prevalence of tobacco con- sumption and the profile of Spanish smokers after a com- prehensive smoke-free policy. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(6).
RUBIES A., MUNOZ E., GIBERT D., CORTES-FRANCISCO N., GRANADOS M., CAIXACH J. ET AL. New method for the anal- ysis of lipophilic marine biotoxins in fresh and canned bivalves by liquid chromatography coupled to high reso- lution mass spectrometry: A quick, easy, cheap, efficient, rugged, safe approach. Journal of Chromatography A. 2015;1386:62-73.
LóPEZ MJ, PéREZ-RíOS M, SCHIAFFINO A, FERNáNDEZ E. Mortality Attributable to Secondhand Smoke Exposure in
GUITART A.M., ESPELT A., CASTELLANO Y., SUELVES J.M., VILLALBI J.R., BRUGAL M.T.. Injury-Related Mortality Over 12 Years in a Cohort of Patients with Alcohol Use Disor- ders: Higher Mortality Among Young People and Wom- en. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2015;39(7):1158-1165.
During 2015 we obtained two new research projects in competitive calls. One is a European project ob- tained in the Horizon 2020 call (Tackling second- hand smoke in Europe: assessment of SHS expo- sure according to policies, attributable disease and economic burden, and impact of interventions for reducing the exposure, TackSHS project), which will run for four years with the collaboration of partners from 6 European countries. The head of group 18 is the leader of one workpackage We have also ob- tained funding from the “Plan Nacional sobre Dro- gas” for the project: “Design and evaluation of the effectiveness of a selective prevention intervention of alcohol and cannabis among vulnerable young at the community level”.
In addition, two members of the group are PI of the following research projects: “Exposure to environ- mental tobacco smoke in children under 12 years: prevalence and measurement of markers in homes and vehicles” and “Influence of social determinants, lifestyle, emotional wellbeing and use of unconven- tional therapies in the development of breast cancer in a cohort of women diagnosed in Barcelona”.
Spain (2011).Nicotine & tobacco research : official jour- nal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2015.
During this year two thesis dissertations directed by members of the group have been presented for defense: “Individual and contextual factors associat- ed with risky alcohol consumption among youth in Central Catalonia” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and “Programs preventing pregnancy, sexually transmit- ted infections, including HIV / AIDS among young students from Barcelona (1992-2014) (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Finally, we must mention the large number of comu- nications presented at scientific meetings, and the participation of various members of the group as teachers in official masters like the Master of Public Health at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra or the Mas- ter of Tropical Medicine and International Health at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Institution: Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona · Contact: Pl. Lesseps, 1 · 28023 Barcelona Tel.: 93 202 77 48 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 85