Page 87 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
CASTELLO A., MARTíN M., RUIZ A., CASAS A.M., BAENA-CAN- ADA J.M., LOPE V. ET AL. Lower breast cancer risk among women following the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research lifestyle recom- mendations: Epigeicam case-control study. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5).
RAMON Y CAJAL T., CHIRIVELLA I., MIRANDA J., TEULE A., IZQUIERDO, BALMANA J. ET AL. Mammographic density and breast cancer in women from high risk families. Breast Cancer Research. 2015.
BUTT J., ROMERO-HERNáNDEZ B., PéREZ-GóMEZ B., WILL- HAUCK-FLECKENSTEIN M., HOLZINGER D., MARTíN V. ET AL. Association of Streptococcus gallolyticus subspecies
During 2015, the members of the Environmental Epidemiology and Cancer Unit collaborated in 15 re- search projects leading 12 of them. In addition, we got 3 new projects in competitive concurrency. The Group contributes very actively in 3 of the subpro- grammes of the chronic disease program: 1) Project MCC-Spain, multicentric multicase-control study on the role of environmental factors in the etiology of the most prevalent cancers in Spain; 2) DDM stud- ies on mamographic density as intermediate phe- notype for breast cancer; 3) Industrial pollution and cancer in Spain. The work of the group is reflected in 42 scientific papers and 31 abstracts presented at national and international conferences. Our group is engaged in training activities, collaborating in differ- ent courses (Master’s degree, courses on methodo- logical aspects and epidemiology of cancer). Three
gallolyticus with colorectal cancer: Serological evidence. International Journal of Cancer. 2015.
GARCíA-PéREZ J., LóPEZ-ABENTE G., CASTELLO A., GONZáLEZ-SáNCHEZ M., FERNáNDEZ-NAVARRO P.. Cancer mortality in towns in the vicinity of installations for the production of cement, lime, plaster, and magnesium ox- ide. Chemosphere. 2015;128:103-110.
GARCíA-PéREZ J., LóPEZ-ABENTE G., GóMEZ-BARROSO D., MORALES-PIGA A., PARDO ROMAGUERA E., TAMAYO I. ET AL. Childhood leukemia and residential proximity to industrial and urban sites. Environmental Research. 2015;140:542- 553.
doctoral theses co-directed from our area have been defended this year as well as 6 master’s thesis. Our group is particularly involved in aspects of dissem- ination and translation of knowledge at different levels: at a more technical level we developed and maintain the ARIADNA server (http://ariadna.cne., which provides up-to-date information on mortality from cancer in Spain, and produce periodic reports that we also publish on our website. For the general population, we organize and participate in conferences to disseminate our results and others’ in this field. In this regard, we highlight the mono- graphic session organized by the group in collabora- tion with the Spanish Association against Cancer in Madrid with the title “Cancer in Spain: Current status and possibilities of prevention”.
Institution: Instituto de Salud Carlos III · Contact: Centro Nacional de Epidemiología. Campus Chamartín C/ Sinesio Delgado, 6 -pabellón 12. 28029 Madrid · Tel.: 91 822 26 34 · E.mail: [email protected] Website: epidemiologia-ambiental-y-cancer.shtml
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