Page 95 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
MARI-BAUSET S., LLOPIS-GONZáLEZ A., ZAZPE I., MARI-SAN- CHIS A., SUAREZ-VARELA M.M.. Nutritional Impact of a Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2015.
MARí-BAUSET S, LLOPIS-GONZáLEZ A, ZAZPE-GARCíA I, MARí-SANCHIS A, MORALES-SUáREZ-VARELA M. Nutritional status of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs): a case-control study.Journal of autism and developmen-
years) in Valencia (Spain): The ANIVA study. Internation- al Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015;12(12):16081-16095.
LLOPIS-GONZáLEZ A., ALCAIDE CAPILLA T., CHENLO ALONSO U., RUBIO-LóPEZ N., ALEGRE-MARTíNEZ A., SUAREZ-VARELA M.M.. Central nervous system (CNS) cancer in children and young people in the European Union and its involvements with socio-economic and environmental factors. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2015;359(1-2):151-155.
tal disorders. 2015;45(1):203-12.
MORALES-SUAREZ-VARELA M., RUBIO-LóPEZ N., RUSO C., LLOPIS-GONZáLEZ A., RUIZ-ROJO E., REDONDO M. ET AL. An- thropometric status and nutritional intake in children (6-9
Our group forms part of the University of Valencia and the Mixed Unit of Nutrition Research (FISA- BIO-CSISP-UVEG), of the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Valencian Government).
We currently participate in many projects as the Principal Investigator in Assessing and predict- ing effects on water quantity and quality in Iberi- an rivers (SCARCE) (CDS2009-00065); Evaluation of emerging contaminants in the Turia Basin: in basic reseach applied to environmental forensics (CGL2011-29703-C02-02) and Identifying com- munication barriers between healthcare personnel and the patients who come to malaria healthcare services (Cooperation to Development Projects, the University of Valencia, 2014/15). Our group collab- orates with other CIBER groups: Effectiveness of the flu and 23-valent pnemococcal polysaccharide vaccine in people aged 65 and over (PI12/02079); Analysing and improving the degree of adapting scheduled abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery (PI12/02530); Risk factors of adverse results at 3 and 5 years in patients with colorectal cancer. Multi-
LIVIANOS L., GONZáLEZ-VALLS P.I., GARCíA-BLANCO A.C., TO- BELLA H., DIAZ-ALONSO I., ALBEROLA N. ET AL. Hypoesthesia of the malleolus as a soft sign in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2015;171:128-131.
centre study CARESS-CCR II (FIS13/0013); Study of adapting intermittent hormone therapy in patients with prostate cancer (PI15/00886) and in the Dy- namic Cohort of university students to study drug use and other addictions (Spanish National Drugs Plan 2013-2016).
We collaborate with the Valencian Oncology Insti- tute in studies into breast cancer and diet to achieve better patient recovery, and also with the Gynaecol- ogy Service of the La Fe Hospital with the Project entitled “Study on the lifestyle and health of new- borns”. This group leads the ANIVA (anthropometry and infant nutrition in Valencia) study.
It also collaborates with the Public Health Laborato- ry of the Valencian Community as part of the FISA- BIO framework.
Six doctoral theses have been defended (the direc- tors are members of our group), all of which have been unanimously evaluated as excellent cum laude.
Institution: Universitat de València · Contact: Facultad de Medicina de Valencia
Avda. Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, 15. 46010 Valencia · Tel.: 96 354 49 51 · E.mail: [email protected]
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