Page 97 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
MORENO V., SANZ-PAMPLONA R.. Altered pathways and colorectal cancer prognosis. BMC Medicine. 2015;13(1).
SEGUI N., MINA L.B., LAZARO C., SANZ-PAMPLONA R., PONS T., NAVARRO M. ET AL. Germline Mutations in FAN1 Cause Hereditary Colorectal Cancer by Impairing DNA Repair. Gastroenterology. 2015;149(3):563-566.
ZAMORA-ROS R., GUINO E., HENAR ALONSO M., VIDAL C., BARE- NYS M., SORIANO A. ET AL. Dietary flavonoids, lignans and colorectal cancer prognosis. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
MUR P., AIZA G., SANZ-PAMPLONA R., GONZáLEZ S., NAVARRO M., MORENO V. ET AL. AMER1 is a frequently mutated gene in colorectal cancer - Letter. Clinical Cancer Research. 2015;21(21):4985.
SANTOS C., SANZ-PAMPLONA R., NADAL E., GRASSELLI J., PERNAS S., DIENSTMANN R. ET AL. Intrinsic cancer sub- types-next steps into personalized medicine. Cellular On- cology. 2015;38(1):3-16.
In 2015 we have initiated four new research projects:
Motricolor: Molecularly guided Trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of Colorectal cancer. This is a H2020 project that aims to assess the effective- ness of personalized treatment approaches in ad- vanced colorectal cancer according to a stratifica- tion of tumors based on molecular subtyping. Three phase II clinical trials will be performed with specific treatments for each molecular subtype. Our group leads the biostatistical and bioinformatics analysis of the project, which is coordinated by the group of oncology at Vall d’Hebron Hospital (J. Tabernero).
Merck-Serono Oncology Grant for Innovation. Indi- vidualized Mutatome-based Vaccination in Cancer Patients. The project aims to design a therapeutic vaccine based on RNA designed to produce specific immunogenic peptides against mutations detected in tumors. Our group will analyze mutations in tum-
ors by next generation sequencing techniques and design sequences predicted to generate an immune response against the tumor. The IP project is the on- cologist J.M. Piulats, Catalan Institute of Oncology.
GEUS, Development of technology for the unified analysis of genome and epigenome with high pre- cission. Funded by the RETOS call, in collaboration with the company Aniling (L. Coll) and the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer (M. Peinado). The project aims to develop bioinfor- matics tools to analyze DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing.
The Epidemiology of Immune Responses in Colorec- tal Cancer. Project funded by the National Cancer Institute of USA. Led by Dr. S. Gruber, University of Southern California. The project aims to analyze the role of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as a prognos- tic factor in colorectal cancer.
Institution: Institut Català d’Oncologia · Contact: Av. Gran Vía 199. 08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat Tel.: 93 260 74 34 · E.mail: [email protected]
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