Page 100 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 100
Muñoz Almagro, María Carmen
Fundación para la Investigación y Docencia Sant Joan de Deu
C/ Santa Rosa, 39-57
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat Barcelona
(+34) 93 280 55 69 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Andrés Franch, María Isabel
Associated members: Brotons de los Reyes, Pedro | Esteva Afonso, Cristina | Fernández de Sevila Estrach, María | Fortuny Guash, Claudia | García García, Juan José | Jordán García, Iolanda | Launes Montaña, Cristian | Noguera Julián, Antoni
Main lines of research
The research group on pediatric infectious diseases conducts translational research aimed at studying the clinical, molecular and epidemiological aspects of major pediatric infectious diseases, including vaccine- preventable diseases (such as pneumococcal disease or whooping cough), vertical transmission infections (such as HIV-1 or hepatitis C), and tuberculosis. The focus of the group is also on the early diagnosis and identification of infectious diseases through new technologies. The multidisciplinary nature of the team components promotes the global study of infections in our patients.
Main lines of research of the group are:
• Molecular epidemiological surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases.
This research line is divided into two axes of action: epidemiological surveillance of vaccines and diagnostic innovation. The general objective of the first axis is the molecular epidemiological surveillance of three pathologies with significant disease burden in children (pneumococcal disease, whooping cough and meningococcal disease), the evaluation of conjugate vaccines in the prevention of pneumococcal disease, and the study of host-pathogen interaction in the development of invasive diseases caused by pathogens such as P. pneumoniae. The axis of diagnostic innovation is orientated towards the design and development of novel molecular techniques with the aim to integrate them in rapid, simple, accurate, and low cost point-of-care diagnostic devices
• Vertical transmission diseases and infections in vulnerable patients
Communicable Disease Surveillance, Prevention and Control

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