Page 99 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Comas I. Legionella effectors reflect strength in diversity. Nature Genetics. 2016;48(2):115-116.
• Serrano-Villar S, Vázquez-Castellanos JF, Vallejo A, Latorre A, Sainz T, Ferrando-Martínez S et al. The effects of prebiotics on microbial dysbiosis, butyrate production and immunity in HIV-infected subjects. Mucosal immunology. 2016;.
• Džunková M, D’Auria G, Xu H, Huang J, Duan Y, Moya A et al. The Monoclonal Antitoxin Antibodies (Actoxumab-Bezlotoxumab) Treatment Facilitates Normalization of the Gut Microbiota of Mice with Clostridium difficile Infection. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology. 2016;6:119.
• Patino-Galindo J.A., Salvatierra K., González-Candelas F., López-Labrador F.X. Comprehensive screening for naturally occurring hepatitis c virus resistance to direct-acting antivirals in the NS3, NS5A, and NS5B genes in worldwide isolates of viral genotypes 1 to 6. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2016;60(4):2402-2416.
• Moya A., Ferrer M. Functional Redundancy-Induced Stability of Gut Microbiota Subjected to Disturbance. Trends in Microbiology. 2016.
During 2016, our group has been funded by 9 grants both national and regional (PROMETEOII/2014/065, SAF2013-43521-R, SAF2013-49788-EXP, SAF2012-31187, BFU2014-58656-R, FPEF13-3E-2547, Prometeo/2016/122, SAF2015-65878-R, PI15/02010) and 3 European (ERC-StG-2014-638553TB ACCELERATE, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, ERA-NET Infect-ERA (Seventh Research Framework Programme). Also, we have participated in the European project “Recognition of the primary infection by Pneumocystis in infants: a silent threat to public health” (ELAC2014/HID0254) granted by “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” and led by Dr. Sergio Vargas (University of Santiago de Chile). During this year, we start the project “Identification of novel modulators of chronic inflammation in prevalent diseases: unveiling divergent mechanisms of disease” (PIE14/00045), being Prof. Andrés Moya the leader of workpackage 2 on Epidemiological Analyses. We belong to la Red de Excelencia “Genómica de la Adaptación” granted by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2015-71726-REDT,1/12/2015- 31/11/2017).
Furthermore, we maintain close partnerships with different national and international research groups and also with hospitals located in the Comunidad Valenciana and Spain to work in the field of human microbiome and infectious pathogens.
Our group has signed two collaboration agreements with IDF-INNOV (France) and Christian Hansen (Denmark).
The group has discovered a new bacterial species that is being developed as a probiotic to include in functional foods.A first clinical trial for the use of the probiotic in humans was performed in 2016, showing colonization of the bacterium and a significant improvement in the pH of the participants.
In 2016 the FISABIO-University of Valencia Academic Chair has continued, being Prof. Andrés Moya the director. Also, during this year we received various students from both national and international universities.
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