Page 101 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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The general objective of research on vertical transmission infections and infections in vulnerable patients is to increase knowledge in natural history, factors associated with transmission, prognostic diagnosis and treatment of infections transmitted from mother to child (Immunodeficiency Virus Humana, Hepatitis B and C virus, acute cytomegalovirus infection, toxoplasma) and atypical mycobacterial infections in our population.
• Tuberculosis
The scope of this research line is to investigate into the adherence and toxicity associated with first- line anti-tuberculosis drugs in the pediatric age, the pharmacokinetic characteristics of these drugs in the infant and preschool, the new diagnostic techniques of tuberculosis in the healthy child, the Child from areas of high endemic tuberculosis and in immunocompromised children, and in the clinical- epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis in childhood in our country.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Brotons P., de Paz H.D., Toledo D., Villanova M., Plans P., Jordan I. et al. Differences in Bordetella pertussis DNA load according to clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with whooping cough. Journal of Infection. 2016.
• Armero G., Launes C., Hernández-Platero L., Alejandre C., Munoz-Almagro C., Jordan I. Severe respiratory disease with rhinovirus detection: Role of bacteria in the most severe cases. Journal of Infection. 2016.
• Casas-Alba D., Martínez-Monseny A., Monfort L., Munoz-Almagro C., Cabrerizo M., Deya A. et al. Extreme hyperferritinemia in dizygotic twins with human parechovirus-3 infection. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2016;35(12):1366-1368.
• Brotons P., Henares D., Latorre I., Cepillo A., Launes C., Munoz-Almagro C. Comparison of NxTAG respiratory pathogen panel and Anyplex II RV16 tests for multiplex detection of respiratory pathogens in hospitalized children. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2016;54(12):2900-2904.
• Guix-Comellas E.-M., Rozas L., Velasco-Arnaiz E., Morin-Fraile V., Force-Sanmartín E., Noguera-Julián A. Adherence to Antituberculosis Drugs in Children and Adolescents in a Low-Endemic Setting: A Retrospective Series. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2016.
During 2016 the group has published 56 indexed publications and the senior author has been one of the members of the group in 26 of them. It also needs to be highlighted the defense of 4 doctoral theses directed by members of the team entitled respectively “Impact of molecular methods in the analysis of invasiveness
of Streptococcus pneumoniae”, “Influence of genetic polymorphisms in the Toll-like receptor signalling pathways in severe invasive pneumococcal disease”, “Mitochondrial and hematological toxicity in non-infected pediatric patients exposed to HIV and Antiretrovirals “and” Study of the incidence, clinical characteristics and epidemiological factors associated with Respiratory Virus Infection in Pediatrics, with special reference to the emerging pathogens Metapneumovirus and Human Bocavirus “, all of them rated with the highest score.
In the field of research projects, it is to be noted that three FIS projects led by team members were selected in the 2016 competitive call. The first project entitled “Microbiota of risk or resilient to acute respiratory infection in children and its usefulness in the differential diagnosis between pneumonia / bacterial bronchopneumonia and respiratory viral infection” will deepen research in the emerging field of the human microbiome. The second project entitled “Molecular characterization of Bordetella strains causing pertussis in children under five years of age. Analysis of the impact in the epidemiology and clinical of the disease “aims to analyze the possible microbiological causes related to the emergence of pertussis in our geographic area in recent years. The third project “Analysis of a diagnostic algorithm for severe pneumonia in critical pediatric patients using pulmonary ultrasound and procalcitonin as a plan to improve care quality” will carry out a cost-benefit study of the different diagnostic strategies.
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