Page 104 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 104
Olea Serrano, Nicolás
Fundación para la Investigación Biosanitaria en Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO) Hospital Clínico San Cecilio Dr. Azpitarte, 4-4a Planta. Edificio Licinio de la Fuente 18012 Granada
(+34) 958 244 049 (+34) 958 246 179
[email protected]
group website
Staff members: Jiménez Díaz, Inmaculada
Associated members: Arrebola Moreno, Juan Pedro | Campoy Folgoso, Cristina | Fernández Cabrera, Mariana Fátima | Freire Warden, Carmen | Guirado Lorente, Damián | Núñez Torres, María Isabel | Villalobos Torres, Mercedes
Main lines of research
Multidisciplinary group created to investigate environmental causes of disease, particularly, malignant tumors and its basic and clinical aspects, with a strong character translational and applied to clinical practice. Both the epidemiology of malignant tumor disease as the diagnosis and treatment has been and are the object of attention. Especially:
- Research on environmental factors related to exposure to hormonally active chemical contaminants (endocrine disruption) and physical agents (ionizing and non-ionizing radiation).
- The diagnosis of tumor disease in its early stages and subsequent evolution by radiological techniques and molecular imaging.
- A holistic approach to the concept of health and environment based on: i) markers of exposure; ii) development of biomarkers combined effect; iii) research focused on mechanisms of gene-environment interaction; and iv) actions in prevention.
Epidemiology and Prevention of Environmental and Occupational Diseases
Epidemiology and Prevention of Chronic Diseases Clinical Epidemiology

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