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dementia, and it is currently leading the PEGASUS-Murcia study (study on health and quality of life in the Region of Murcia), a population-based survey to know the prevalence of mental disorders, co-morbidity patterns and related factors, in the general population.
• Environmental health, reproductive health, life styles, and diet. The group works in this research line on food and nutrient patterns, physical activity, and other life style factors, in relation to health and development of chronic diseases. Other research interest focuses on reproductive health of young adults, and the study of its related factors, both endogenous and environmental (hormonal and developmental factors, diet, sedentarism, environmental pollutants, heavy metals).
• Social determinants of health. Inequailty, immigration and gender. Through the project ‘Health and Cultures’ the group has carried out the study of the health of the immigrant population in Murcia and its determinant factors, in order to identify the specific health needs of such a minortiy and the barriers that limit their health care. Other research lines of the group involve the study of social problems such as the domestic violence, or the double workload (paid work and domestic labors) of women and its health consequences. Furthermore, within the MEDEA project, the group takes part in the study of economic and environmental inequalities on the morbidity and mortality in small areas of large cities in Spain.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Baena-Díez J.M., Penafiel J., Subirana I., Ramos R., Elosua R., Marin-Ibánez A. et al. Risk of cause-specific death in individuals with diabetes: A competing risks analysis. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(11):1987-1995.
• Huerta JM, Chirlaque MD, Tormo MJ, Buckland G, Ardanaz E, Arriola L et al. Work, household, and leisure- time physical activity and risk of mortality in the EPIC-Spain cohort.Preventive medicine. 2016;85:106-112.
• Cirera L, Huerta JM, Chirlaque MD, Molina-Montes E, Altzibar JM, Ardanaz E et al. Life-course social position, obesity and diabetes risk in the EPIC-Spain Cohort. European journal of public health. 2016.
• Fuchsberger C., Flannick J., Teslovich T.M., Mahajan A., Agarwala V., Gaulton K.J. et al. The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. Nature. 2016;536(7614):41-47.
• Lotta L.A., Sharp S.J., Burgess S., Perry J.R.B., Stewart I.D., Willems S.M. et al. Association between low- density lipoprotein cholesterol-lowering genetic variants and risk of type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. 2016;316(13):1383-1391.
Throughout 2016, the CIBERESP group 24 led by Dr. Carmen Navarro has maintained an intense national and international scientific activity, pushing forward its own research lines, such as the study of social position as determinant of diabetes (Cirera et al., 2016), or the role of physical activity in the prevention of mortality (Huerta
et al., 2016). It is remarkable the active role of the group in studies on cancer incidence and survival (EUROCARE, CONCORD-2, SUDCAN), taking the lead in worldwide studies on ovarian cancer survival (Chirlaque et al., 2017, PMID: 28005613). Other research lines of the group are the association of physical activity with the incidence of gastric cancer (MCC-Spain), the importance of glycated hemoglobin for coronary risk prediction among non-diabetics (EPIC- CVD), the study of intimate partner violence among immigrants in Spain (Colorado-Yohar et al. 2106, PMID: 26670923), and the investigation of cardiovascular risk factors (Baena-Díez et al., 2016; Patiño et el., 2016, PMID: 27268022).
The group develops several competitive projects on the association of bisphenol-A on cancer incidence, on diet, chronobiology and obesity, and on the role of Mediterranean diet in the prevention of dementia. The participation in international consortia has resulted in co-authorship of important papers published in top scientific journal
as Nature Communications, Lancet, Lancet Oncology, Science Translational Medicine, JAMA Psychiatry, or PLoS Medicine, among others.
The group has joined the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaboration (NCD-RisC), and the WHO World Mental Health Surveys Initiative, participates in the ‘Pancreatic cancer overall survival registry (PancreOs)’ project, and acts as a partner in the EU Joint Action on Rare Cancer. Furthermore, the group is member of the Spanish Cancer Registries Network, and has an active role in the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) as members of the Steering Committee and the “WG on Date of Incidence”. Finally, as leaders of the EIP- AHA partnership in Murcia, the group has been involved in several European health innovation projects: IN3CA (, FICHe (, and proEmpower ( projects/proempower/).
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