Page 105 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Arrebola J.P., Fernández-Rodríguez M., Artacho-Cordón F., Garde C., Pérez-Carrascosa F., Linares I. et al. Associations of persistent organic pollutants in serum and adipose tissue with breast cancer prognostic markers. Science of the Total Environment. 2016;566-567:41-49.
• Jiménez-Díaz I., Artacho-Cordón F., Vela-Soria F., Belhassen H., Arrebola J.P., Fernández M.F. et al. Urinary levels of bisphenol A, benzophenones and parabens in Tunisian women: A pilot study. Science of the Total Environment. 2016;562:81-88.
• Fernández M.F., Arrebola J.P., Jiménez-Diaz I., Sáenz J.M., Molina-Molina J.M., Ballesteros O. et al. Bisphenol A and other phenols in human placenta from children with cryptorchidism or hypospadias. Reproductive Toxicology. 2016;59:89-95.
• Pastor-Barriuso R., Fernández M.F., Castano-Vinyals G., Whelan D., Pérez-Gómez B., Llorca J. et al. Total effective xenoestrogen burden in serum samples and risk for breast cancer in a population-based multicase–control study in Spain. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(10):1575-1582.
• Artacho-Cordón F, León J, Sáenz JM, Fernández MF, Martín-Olmedo P, Olea N et al. Contribution of Persistent Organic Pollutant Exposure to the Adipose Tissue Oxidative Microenvironment in an Adult Cohort: A Multipollutant Approach. Environmental science & technology. 2016;50(24):13529-13538.
The CIBERESP-19 group has continued to carry out clinical and epidemiological studies, both in the framework of national and international collaborations (Brazil, Tunisia, among others), focused on exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds, persistent and non-persistent, and its effects on human health. Studies on the influence of environmental exposure on infant development in the context of the INMA birth cohort, including urogenital malformations at birth, thyroid function and neurodevelopment during the first years of life, have been pursued. Scientific progress has been made in (i) the identification of “obesogenic” environmental compounds favoring obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, as well as in the development of a biomarker of combined exposure to environmental compounds with obesogenic activity (O-SCREEN); ii) the assessment of the relationship between historical exposure to bisphenol-A and hormone-dependent cancer and cardiovascular risk in the EPIC-Spain cohort; iii) the assessment of exposure to endocrine disruptors in low birth weight infants at the Neonatal Intensive Care Units, and the evaluation of the health consequences; and finally, (iv) the development of a procedure for minimizing the environmental presence of antineoplastic drugs of hospital origin. The group has got two European projects, The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative-HBM4EU- # 733032, and the ONCONET-SUDOE, SOE1 / P1 / F0082, leading, in both cases, a Workpackage, three national ISCIII funded projects [FIS-PI16 / 01820; FIS-PI16 / 01812; FIS-PI16 / 01858] and one autonomic funded project [PS-0506- 2016]. Moreover, one of the team members has obtained a Miguel Servet type I contract, P16 / 00085, who join the previous MS-I contract, incorporated last year CP15 / 00193. Lastly, the Institute of Biosanitary Research ibs.GRANADA, accredited by ISCIII, continues under the scientific leadership of the Group leader.
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