Page 108 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 108
Porta Serra, Miquel
Consorci Mar Parc Salut de Barcelona
Dr. Aiguader, 88, 1a Pl. 08003 Barcelona
(+34) 93 316 07 00
group website
Staff members: Pumarega Rodríguez, José Antonio
Associated members: Alguacil Ojeda, Juan | Casamitjana Abella, Montserrat | Collet Divi, Immaculada | Gasull Panades, Magdalena | Larrea Kilinger, Cristina | Morales Bartolomé, Eva
Contributors: Rovira Pons, Yolanda
Main lines of research
• Clinical and molecular epidemiology of exocrine pancreatic cancer. This line of work parlty operates in the frame of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), the PANKRAS II Study
(still yielding results and publications), and the Pancreatic Cancer Case Control Consortium (PanC4). These projects are successful thanks to the efforts of numerous scientists from Spain and the rest of the world. They are also joint collaborations with research units of the Cancer and the Public Health research programmes of our institution (IMIM), as well as collaborations with other organizations such as Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), US National Cancer Institute, Universities of Barcelona, Huelva, and Miguel Hernandez from Alicante, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), National Institute for Health and Welfare of Finland, Harvard School of Public Health, Imperial College London, or the University of North Carolina, among others.
• Analysis of outpatient and inpatient phases of the “Symptom to treatment interval” (STI) (“treatment delay”) and its impact on survival in cancer patients. This line of work is developed together with the Tumour Registry of Hospital del Mar.
• Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants and their impact on the health of the general population. This line of work is partly developed within two projects, ‘Blood concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the general population of Catalonia’, in collaboration with the Departament of Health of the Government of Catalonia, and ‘Blood concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the population of Barcelona’, in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Barcelona and the University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria, among other organisations from Spain and elsewhere (USA, Australia).
Epidemiology and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

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