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Most relevant scientific articles
• Di Cesare M., Bentham J., Stevens G.A., Zhou B., Danaei G., Lu Y. et al. Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: A pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants. The Lancet. 2016;387(10026):1377-1396.
• Porta M., Bolumar F. Caution: work in progress: While the methodological “revolution” deserves in-depth study, clinical researchers and senior epidemiologists should not be disenfranchised. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2016;31(6):535-539.
• Pumarega J., Gasull M., Lee D.-H., López T., Porta M. Number of persistent organic pollutants detected at high concentrations in blood samples of the United States population. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(8).
• Zhang M., Wang Z., Obazee O., Jia J., Childs E.J., Hoskins J. et al. Three new pancreatic cancer susceptibility signals identified on chromosomes 1q32.1, 5p15.33 and 8q24.21. Oncotarget. 2016;7(41):66328-66343.
• Gyarmati G., Turner M.C., Castano-Vinyals G., Espinosa A., Papantoniou K., Alguacil J. et al. Night shift work and stomach cancer risk in the MCC-Spain study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016.
GRECMC is and strives to be a research group with a global and local, scholarly and social influence and recognition. We conceive and develop this influence mainly through research and teaching, as well as through collaborations and conversations with institutions, organisations and companies (“knowledge transfer”),
which includes a regular activity in global and local academic institutions, media, networks, and advocacy forums. In 2016, for example, we were invited speakers at the “6th Mantua Workshop on Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders - The Future of Diabetes Care”, (Mantova, Italy); participated at the “Meeting on Avoidable Early Environmental Exposures” convened by WHO (Geneva, Switzerland); and were invited by the University of Ottawa (Canada) to the Inauguration of the School of Epidemiology, Public Health, and Preventive Medicine and the celebration in honour of Prof. John M. Last. Dr. Porta was also an “External Examiner, Community Medicine Rotation” at the Kuwait University.
In 2016 we continued publishing in journals of international reputation in the fields of molecular, clinical,
and environmental epidemiology, as well as of clinical medicine and basic biological sciences: such a broad integration of basic, clinical and epidemiologic knowledge is one of our signs of identity. A Dictionary of Epidemiology (Oxford University Press, 2014) reflects as well our aims and approaches.
Selected presence in the media:, / El País:,, / Radio Francia Internacional: / Julia en la Onda: ZBnRgi / Retrats: / Folia Humanística: / El Perió, / Informativos.Net: / La Vanguardia: Oxford Reference (‘Featured author’): / Other links of interest: /e/B00IZJZW3S,
In 2016 we continued the study on plasma concentrations of organochlorine compounds, life styles and conditions, and pancreatic cancer risk in the EPIC cohort, funded by FIS/ISCIII and Marató de TV3, as well as through the innovative public crowdfunding platform Precipita. In collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Barcelona, we also started a new study about persistent organic pollutants in the population of Barcelona, within the frame of its Health Survey.
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