Page 107 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Pastor-Barriuso R., Fernández M.F., Castano-Vinyals G., Whelan D., Pérez-Gómez B., Llorca J. et al. Total effective xenoestrogen burden in serum samples and risk for breast cancer in a population-based multicase–control study in Spain. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(10):1575-1582.
• Castello A., Ascunce N., Salas-Trejo D., Vidal C., Sánchez-Contador C., Santamaría C. et al. Association Between Western and Mediterranean Dietary Patterns and Mammographic Density. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016.
• García-Pérez J., Pérez-Abad N., Lope V., Castelló A., Pollán M., González-Sánchez M. et al. Breast and prostate cancer mortality and industrial pollution. Environmental Pollution. 2016;214:394-399.
• García-Pérez J., Morales-Piga A., Gómez-Barroso D., Tamayo-Uria I., Pardo Romaguera E., Fernández- Navarro P. et al. Risk of neuroblastoma and residential proximity to industrial and urban sites: A case- control study. Environment International. 2016;92-93:269-275.
• Lope V., De Larrea N.F., Pérez-Gómez B., Martín V., Moreno V., Costas L. et al. Menstrual and reproductive factors and risk of gastric and colorectal cancer in Spain. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(10).
Inside the MCC-Spain group, we investigated for the first time, in collaboration with Nicolas Olea’s lab,
the association between total xenoestrogenic burden in serum and breast cancer. We have also provided information on the effect of reproductive factors and childhood exposures on different tumors.
Regarding diet, we have reproduced and validated the dietary patterns we had previously found, and quantified their association with mammographic density, as a phenotype risk marker for breast cancer. As a methodologic contribution, we have studied the way to compare dietary patterns extracted in different populations.
Studying the association between pollutant sources and cancer mortality, we found new results linking industrial pollutiona and breast and prostate cancer mortality. In collaboration with the National Registry of Childhood Cancer we have also investigated the association between environmental exposures and the incidence of different childhood tumors. We maintain an active collaboration with many research groups in Spain and abroad.
The group has imparted different divulgative lectures on cancer risk factors in different settings, collaborating with associations of patients and different institutions interested in this matters. Finally, we want to highlight the monography entitled: “La contaminación del aire” (Air pollution), written in our group that was presented in a bookstore in Madrid and has been enthusiastically wellcome by the public, and the creation of apps for mobiles with the spatial distribution of cancer mortality in Spain (small areas analyses).
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