Page 111 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Laclaustra M., Casasnovas J.A., Fernández-Ortiz A., Fuster V., León-Latre M., Jiménez-Borreguero L.J. et al. Femoral and carotid subclinical atherosclerosis association with risk factors and coronary calcium: The AWHS study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016;67(11):1263-1274.
• García-Esquinas E., Rahi B., Peres K., Colpo M., Dartigues J.-F., Bandinelli S. et al. Consumption of fruit and vegetables and risk of frailty: A dose-response analysis of 3 prospective cohorts of community- dwelling older adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016;104(1):132-142.
• Ruiz-Hurtado G., Ruilope L.M., De la Sierra a., Sarafidis p., de la Cruz J.J., Gorostidi M. et al. Association between high and very high Albuminuria and nighttime blood pressure: Influence of diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(10):1729-1737.
• Banegas J.R., Ruilope L.M., de la Sierra A., Vinyoles E., Gorostidi M., de la Cruz J.J. et al. Clinic Versus Daytime Ambulatory Blood Pressure Difference in Hypertensive Patients: The Impact of Age and Clinic Blood Pressure. Hypertension. 2016.
• Martínez-Gómez D., Guallar-Castillon P., Rodríguez-Artalejo F. Sitting Time and Mortality in Older Adults with Disability: A National Cohort Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2016;17(10):960.e15-960.e20.
We have started the development of the ATHLOS project, funded by the European Union (H2020) in collaboration with more than 15 groups from all over Europe. This project aims to characterize healthy aging trajectories and their determinants by harmonizing data from more than 15 independent cohorts. We have also been able to get funding for a project in the ERA-NET call, with the participation of groups from France and the United Kingdom. This project aims to identify in saliva omic markers of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and of the risk of developin type 2 diabetes. In addition, funding was obtained for three projects in national competitive calls and for another one (carried out through CIBERESP) to generate useful information to guide the implementation of strategies for addressing chronicity in frail patients within the National Health System. Finally, the group maintains an active scientific production, endorsed by many publications in the first decile of impact factor, in collaboration with numerous national and international groups, where we often carry out leadership functions.
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