Page 113 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Reverte I., Peris-Sampedro F., Basaure P., Campa L., Sunol C., Moreno M. et al. Attentional performance, impulsivity, and related neurotransmitter systems in apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4 female transgenic mice. Psychopharmacology. 2016;233(2):295-308.
• Caballero B, Olguin N, Campos F, Farina M, Ballester F, López-Espinosa MJ et al. Methylmercury- induced developmental toxicity is associated with oxidative stress and cofilin phosphorylation. Cellular and human studies. Neurotoxicology. 2016.
Concerning our research line in environmental health and Nervous System disorders, we want to highlight the following activities:
• Research Projects: participation in two national projects and one international
• Clinical guides: Chair and Rapporteur of 2016 revision of the clinical guide on the Health Safety of
Medical Devices Containg Phtalates (DEHP)
• Participation on the International meeting on Developmental origins of health and Disease (DOHAD).
Presentation of a communication on Environmental Contaminants and Neurodevelopment
• Invited conference on Neurotoxicity of Methylmercury: Experimental and Human Studies. Post-graduate
Program. Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
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