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Most relevant scientific articles
• Jiménez D., de Miguel-Diez J., Guijarro R., Trujillo-Santos J., Otero R., Barba R. et al. Trends in the Management and Outcomes of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Analysis from the RIETE Registry. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016;67(2):162-170.
• Sobhy S., Zamora J., Dharmarajah K., Arroyo-Manzano D., Wilson M., Navaratnarajah R. et al. Anaesthesia-related maternal mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global Health. 2016;4(5): e320-e327.
• Quintero E., Carrillo M., Leoz M.-L., Cubiella J., Gargallo C., Lanas A. et al. Risk of Advanced Neoplasia in First-Degree Relatives with Colorectal Cancer: A Large Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS Medicine. 2016;13(5).
• Mellado M., Pijoan J.I., Jiménez D., Muriel A., Aujesky D., Bertoletti L. et al. Outcomes Associated With Inferior Vena Cava Filters Among Patients With Thromboembolic Recurrence During Anticoagulant Therapy. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions. 2016;9(23):2440-2448.
• Rayanagoudar G., Hashi A.A., Zamora J., Khan K.S., Hitman G.A., Thangaratinam S. Quantification of the type 2 diabetes risk in women with gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 95,750 women. Diabetologia. 2016;1-9.
The group has consolidated in 2016 the research line about Improvement of the Adequacy of Clinical Practice (MAPAC Program), concluding the multi-center project on the adequacy of imaging tests
with ionising radiation in emergency services (MAPAC-image Project). This project has ended with the implementation in the emergency departments of several hospitals of the SNS of computer decision support systems (CDSS) for the request of Computerized Tomographies. The use of these CDSS improves the process of requesting these tests by properly selecting patients who will benefit most from these tests and avoiding unnecessary exposures to radiation to other patients. In the AES 2016 call, funding has been obtained to continue this multi-center project (MAPAC-image II) and funds for another related project aimed to estimate the risk of significant coronary disease in emergency patients. This predictive model will serve to improve the process of selection of confirmatory tests of ischemia in the emergency room (MAPAC- CardioPreTest multicenter project).
In 2016, the agreement contract between the Francisco de Vitoria University, the Ibero-American Cochrane Center and the Ramón y Cajal Institute for Health Research (IRYCIS) was renewed to support the Cochrane Collaborating Center for the Community of Madrid.
Our group, in collaboration with the group of the Association of Biodonostia Institute (Group Leader Dr. Emparanza), organised the Scientific Conference CIBERESP entitled “Observational studies can answer questions of causality”. The seminar was preceded by a Course on propensity index.
Finally, the group has achieved several media impacts in the year, resulting from two international collaborative publications related to reproductive health in low-income countries (Lancet Global Health, 2016 May; 4 (5): e320-7) and related to the risk of intrauterine mortality in twin pregnancies (BMJ, 2016, 354: i4353).
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