Page 18 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 18
PROGRAMME 1. Epidemiology and control
of chronic diseases
Coordinator: Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo
During this year, the programme 1 scientific activity has continued in the strategic subprogram MCC-Spain, which is described in detail below. The foundations have also been laid for undertaking another sub- programme intended for genetic screening of the main chronic diseases, for prevention purposes. Lastly, the activities in the other sub-programmes have continued, including the EPIC and its scientific extensions: ENRICA, on mammographic density and breast cancer, DARIOS, FRESCO, POIBC, on the morbidity- mortality of traffic injuries in older drivers and the platform for records of cancer in the population.
In 2016, the MCC study published 14 articles, most of these in first quartile and first decile journals. Some of the more noteworthy results of the study that were disclosed this year are the increase in risk meant by xenoestrogens present in serum in the risk of breast cancer, the relationship between trihalomethanes and colon cancer, the intake of nitrates and breast and colorectal tumours, the confirmation of the increase in the risk of colorectal cancer associated with the consumption of red meat and cold cuts, the differences
in this risk associated with methods and degrees of cooking and the influence of neonatal characteristics and childhood in several of the tumours included. We have examined the effect that working night
shifts has on tumours seldom studied in this context, such as stomach cancer and chronic lymphatic leukaemias, the possible association between the consumption of anti-hypertensive medications and breast cancer and infection by streptococcus gallolyticus with colorectal cancer. Thanks to a multicentre project granted in the last Strategic Health Action, the cases recruited in MCC will be followed up in order to investigate the prognostic role of many of the exposures analysed. At the annual meeting, held in San Sebastián, gave an update on metabolomics and cancer (lecture by Isabel Romieu; IARC, Lyon, France) and new methodological approaches for integrating omic data (lecture by Juan Ramón González; ISGlobal, Barcelona). Lastly, we prepared a brochure with some of the most interesting results of the study that will be sent from each of the nodes to the participants.

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